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(The scene opens at a gravesite) “It all ends here.” (We pan around the gravesite, observing different tombstones and graves) “No matter how important or valuable a life, every one of them will end up here.” (Thunder and lightning is heard/seen) “Even kings and champions…” (Shows Aric Hart holding the ECFW Championship up high) “Even Icons…” (Shows Gladiator yelling with his arms raised) “Assassins…” (Shows Assassin with the U.S. Title Belt around his waist) “And great leaders.” (Shows Kurt Evans) (They will all end here.) (Back to the grave site) “The ones that die are lucky…” (Shows Jason Blade being teamed up on by Stef Morrus, Kyve Hart, and Slade Craven) “It’s the ones that are BURIED ALIVE that have reason to worry.” (Shows a clip of Kyve Hart burying his brother Aric alive from ‘Buried Alive 2005.’) “The battle for life begins…” (Shows Hard Stone and Stephan Silverstone exchanging blows to the face) “And the loser…” (A clip of Silverstone with his arm raised, and then Hard Stone) “Will be buried alive.” (We are inside of a grave looking up as dirt is shoveled onto us, blacking out the view.) _____________________________________________________________ We are now inside the arena where pyros are shooting off into the air and the crowd is going crazy! Owen Nelson: Hello and welcome to the fourth annual ‘Buried Alive’ here LIVE and sold-out from Freedom Hall in Louisville, Kentucky! And tonight, Ben, somebody will be buried alive! (A shot of the stage is shown, and to the right of it there is the gravesite) “Big” Ben Little: Unfortunately, you are right. Its been over a year in the making, and it will end tonight: Hard Stone vs. Stephan Silverstone, buried alive. Owen Nelson: Hello once again, everyone. I’m Owen Nelson… “Big” Ben Little: …And I’m “Big” Ben Little, and tonight, here live and sold-out from Louisville, Kentucky’s Freedom Hall, you’re gonna see it all, and then some. (A shot of the steel cage hanging above the ring is shown.) Owen Nelson: Tonight, in addition to the much-anticipated Buried Alive Match, we will see Part 4 of the Aric Hart/Gladiator saga, as they battle for the ECFW World Heavyweight Championship inside that 15-foot-high Steel Cage. Its gonna be brutal! “Big” Ben Little: Plus, the odds are stacked against “The Loose Cannon” Jason Blade, because tonight he faces not one, not two, but three men in a 3-on-1 Handicap Match, with both Kyve Hart’s Intercontinental Title and an opportunity to face the ECFW Champion on the line. But not only that, Jason Blade’s career could be on the line as well, Owen. Owen Nelson: That match may be hard to watch, but it will be coming later tonight. But also, Montego faces the artists formerly known as Cola Boy, Preston Jacks, as Jacks seeks revenge for his long-time tag team partner, Sam Wilde, formerly known as Coca Boy. Can Preston Jacks put up a fight against the man who is nearly a full foot taller than him, not to mention over 100 pounds bigger? “Big” Ben Little: We’ll find out. There’s all this and so much more, and it all starts with a Diva Street Fight!… STREET FIGHT KRISTEN HART VS. KITTEN CHARRINGTON Sam Jenkans: The following match is our diva street fight and is scheduled for one fall. Making her way to the ring at this time. Hailing from London England Kitten Charrington!!! "Celebrity Skin" by Hole begins to play and Kitten Charrington waists no time making her way out on stage to a chorus of cheering by the sold out Freedom Hall. She makes her way down the ramp receiving cheers from the fan as she enters the ring and prepares for her opponent. Sam Jenkans: And now her opponent making her way to the ring and returning to ECFW Kristen Hart!!! "Bittersweet Symphony" by The Verve as Kristen Hart walks out to the ramp and receives nothing but boos from the crowd. Kristen looks out at the crowd before looking down at the ring when she sprints toward the ring sliding under the bottom rope as the bell sounds. DING DING DING Kitten begins stomping on Kristen who’s barley in the ring. Kitten gives Kristen a hand up pulling her up by her hair and landing a hard forearm to the face of Hart who seems to be stunned by the offense of Kitten. Kitten lands several more forearm shots before whipping Kristen into the ropes taking her down with a back drop much to the joy of the crowd. Ben Little: Kitten has been the aggressor so far to start the match. And I think it’s thrown Kristen off just slightly. Kristen rolls outside and Kitten quickly follows after her Kristen uses the barricade to get to her feet only to have Kitten nail her with a stiff chop to the chest that echoes through the building. Kitten lands a second chop to Kristen who has finally had enough taking the low road with an eye poke before tossing Kitten over the barricade and into the crowd. Kristen holds her chest for a second still feeling the pain from the chops of Kitten who is trying to get to her feet on the other side of the barricade. Kristen grabs the barricade climbing up onto it as Kitten makes it to her feet. Owen Nelson: What does Kristen have planned here? Ben Little: I’m not sure Owen but it looks like it’s going to hurt. Kitten finally gets to her feet and turns towards the barricade only to see Kristen flying towards her connecting with a standing splash off the barricade knocking both ;ladies several rows back as the crowd goes nuts Crowd: ECFW ECFW ECFW……. Owen Nelson: My god did you see that splash from the barricade Ben? Ben Little: Did I ever Owen. It was picture perfect and it looked like it hurt as well. A replay of the splash off the barricade is shown meanwhile the two divas are slowly and we do mean slowly getting to there feet as Kristen is the first to do so followed by Kitten. Kristen lands several forearm shots to Kitten before grabbing her by the hair as the divas work there way through the crowd in Freedom Hall. Kristen continues to land forearms to Kitten who begins fighting back with some of her own. Kitten begins to get the upper hand after bouncing Kristen’s face off a fan’s chair. Kitten then grabs the fans chair and drives it across the back of Kristen who drops to her knees from the pain. Owen Nelson: Looks like that splash might have messed with Kristen more then it did Kitten. Ben Little: It does indeed look that way. Kitten pulls Kristen to her feet and Kristen is quick to counter with a thumb to the eye of Kitten before picking up a chair and driving it across the back of Kitten who falls to her knees. Kristen hits Kitten once again with the chair to the back as this time Kitten falls flat onto her chest holding her back in pain. Kristen looks up smiling at her handy work thus far she picks Kitten up tossing her back over the barricade and again climbs onto the barricade again looking for a big move. Owen Nelson: Looks like we might get an up close view of it this time Ben. Ben Little: Your right Owen those two are just a few feet from our announce table this could look real good. Kitten slowly gets to her feet holding her back in pain as Kristen watches on waiting for her moment once again. Kitten slowly turns around and Kristen jumps off the barricade towards Kitten who instantly drops to the floor causing Kristen to miss landing face first on the ground while Kitten is still on the ground holding her back in pain. Ben Little: She missed it this time. She actually missed it. Owen Nelson: No kidding I guess Kitten was ready this time around and well we saw the results. Crowd: ECFW ECFW ECFW…… The former Women's Champion slowly makes her way back to her feet. And brings Kristen Hart to her feet she rolls her into the ring and enters the ring soon after. Kitten rolls Kristen over and makes the cover. The referee makes the count. .....1.....2.....Kristen Hart kicks out. Kitten slowly gets up with a disappointed look to her face. Kitten Charrington then looks at the turnbuckle and then brings Kristen to her feet. Ben Little: I think Kitten has an idea Owen. Owen Nelson: I think so too Ben. Kitten Irish-whips Kristen into the corner and then rushes at as she connects with a shoulder, to the gut of Kristen Hart. Owen Nelson: That had to take the air out of Kristen Hart. Kitten then lifts Kristen and places her onto the top rope. The crowd is already on their feet as Kitten Charrington begins to climb. This is when KELLY GORGEOUS storms down the ramp with a nightstick in hand and slides into the ring. Just as Kitten is getting ready to pull off the Superplex, Kelly nails her in the kidney area with the nightstick. The crowd begins to boo like crazy. Ben Little: Right into the kidney. Owen Nelson: And that is all legal. Kelly Gorgeous tosses the nightstick to the out side and lifts Kitten on to her shoulder, electric chair style. Ben Little: Wow! Look at that strength by the former two time Women’s Champion. Kristen sets herself up on the turnbuckle as a straining Kelly takes a couple steps back. Kristen then takes a leap and hits a neckbreaker as Kelly drops Kitten Charrington to the canvas. The crowd erupts with mixed chants, becoming more boos from the impact. Crowd: Holy Sh*t! Holy Sh*t! Holy Sh*t! Holy Sh*t! Owen Nelson: I have never seen anything like this. Ben Little: It has to be over Owen, has to be. Kelly exits the ring as her sister-in-law makes the cover over Kitten Charrington. The referee gets down to his knees and make the count. ......1.....2......Kitten Charrington gets her shoulder up just before the three count. The crowd cheers, as Kelly on the outside puts on a fit as she can't believe it. Ben Little: I don't believe this! Owen Nelson: And that is why Kitten Charrington is a former two time Women's Champion, former Tag Champion and 2005 Diva of the Year winner. Ben Little: Blah Blah Blah Blah, shut up, Owen! Kelly is so pissed she gets up on the apron and begins to argue with the referee on the count. Kristen moves back to her feet looks around and then brings Kitten to her feet and locks her head under her arm as she signals for the bulldog. Suddenly Kitten pushes Kristen as she runs right into the referee, causing the referee to bump into Kelly as she falls off the apron to the outside. And the crowd erupts with cheers. Owen Nelson: Chain reaction! Just as Kristen Hart turns around, Kitten Charrington hits the super kick on Kristen as Kitten falls to the canvas. The crowd continue to cheer for Kitten Charrington. Owen Nelson: The K.G. Signature on Kristen Hart. Ben Little: This is just not right Owen. Kitten gets her arm on Kristen Hart and the referee makes the count. .....1.....2.....THREE!!! The crowd erupts as "Celebrity Skin" by Hole begins to play. Sam Jenkans: Here is you winner, ......KITTEN CHARRINGTON!!! Ben Little: No! Just as Kitten begins to get up, Kelly From behind hits her behind the head with the nightstick. The crowd erupts with boos as Kitten's theme music stops playing. Owen Nelson: What was that all about. Ben Little: Redemption, that is! Kelly simply looks down at Kitten Charrington as she carries her attention on helping on Kristen Hart. "Bittersweet Symphony" by The Verve begins to play as the two leaves the ring with the out cold Kitten Charrington laying in the middle of the ring. Ben Little: In Kitten's case, there comes a price when you mess with Kristen and Kelly. The crowd continue to boo as Kelly Gorgeous and Kristen Hart makes their way up the ramp and EMTs rush down to the ring to check on Kitten Charrington who is unconscious. Interview Interviewer John Davis is standing by backstage with the challenger to the women’s championship, Candy Caine. John Davis – Candy, in just a few short moments you will finally get a much waited women’s title shot against the champion Alexis Knight, now Alexis has been the diva to beat ever since returning to the scene way back at at King of Kings in April. My question is Candy, are you ready? Candy Caine – Am I ready? AM I READY? Does it look like I am ready John? I faced Alexis Knight when she made her debut at the beginning of December last year, I was defeated by the so called ‘Queen of Xtreme’ , I was made into a stepping stone so Alexis could further her career, well not anymore, you see I challenged Lexi a few weeks ago and unfortunately for her, she accepted, tonight I finally get my chance to show the world that I am still the most dominant diva in Extreme Championship Fatal Wrestling. John Davis – Well there has been a storm brewing between the pair of you this week during the buildup to Buried Alive, what effect do you think it will play upon your both tonight? Candy Caine – I have no clue about how it will effect Alexis but I can assure you that I am unscathed by whatever she can throw at me. Tonight, no matter what, I am becoming the first ever 3-time women’s champion, nobody can stop me, not Alexis, nobody, I will see you after my match John when you will be talking to the brand new women’s champion. Candy walks off to the ring as the Scene Fades. Owen Nelson: Candy Caine sure seems confident, but let’s see what her opponent has to say about tonight’s big Title Match… Interview Rena Summers is standing by with the women’s champion Alexis Knight (with title belt on her shoulder) outside of Alexis’ locker room. Rena Summers – Alexis, we just heard from your opponent and challenger Candy Caine moments ago, she seems focused, do you have any thoughts on how tonight will go? Alexis Knight – Tonight will go like every other night since I’ve been in ECFW, I will walk out of the arena with my head held high and a victory under my belt. Candy Caine is a great athlete and was a great women’s champion…..in her day. Now it is time to gracefully step aside and let the future of the female division shine which we have been doing. A few weeks ago Candy got beat by my good friend Tatium and now she thinks she will beat the girl who beat Tatium on her way to Cyber Carnage V? I don’t think so Candy. Rena Summers – Well, from what Candy has been saying this past week and also a moment ago, it does seem like she thinks she has what it takes to beat you. Alexis Knight – That is what Kitten Charrington said before I took away her women’s championship, this women’s championship that I’ve held for almost 3 months, I will be damned if I am going to surrender it to some glorified plastic mannequin like Candy Caine, if Candy wants a fight then be my guest, but I warn you Candy, I am not like who you have beaten in your prime, I am in a league of my own, but hey, if you want to step up to the plate and square off against your worst nightmare, who am I to stop you, bring it on Candy, I will see you out in the ring. Alexis leaves the scene as we go back to ringside. Scene Fades. “Big” Ben Little: The Women’s Championship is up for grabs…next!… ECFW WOMEN’S CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH ALEXIS KNIGHT VS. CANDY CAINE Sam Jenkans: The following contest is for the ECFW Women’s Championship and is scheduled for one fall. Candy Caine walks out to the ramp and there is a mixed reaction by the crowd as she makes her way towards the ring. Sam Jenkans: On her way to the ring at this time from Boise, Idaho, she is the challenger for this match, Candy Caine!!! Candy makes her way to the ring entering the ring as she raises her arms high in the air again getting a mix reaction from the crowd. Candy waits for her opponent as her music stops Sam Jenkans: And her opponent making her way to the ring at this time. From Winnipeg Canada she is the current ECFW Women’s champion Alexis Knight!!! Alexis walks out to the ramp raising the Women’s title high into the air as the crowd boos Knight who makes her way towards the ring. Alexis slides under the bottom rope into the ring before handing over her title belt to the referee as the bell sounds The bell sounds as champion & challenger meet in the middle of the ring. Both divas shake hands before getting the match started tying up in the middle of the ring. Knight backs Candy into the ropes causing the referee to call for a break which Knight does cleanly. Knight smiles as she & Candy lock up once again and again Knight backs Candy into the ropes forcing the referee to call for a break. Knight again backs away giving the referee a clean break as Candy starts to show frustration going right for the champion Candy take down Knight landing several punches to the face as the two divas roll around on the mat even tripping up the referee along the way. Both divas roll around the ring finally stopping as Candy has Alexis pinned to the ground Candy begins throwing punches at Knight who’s defenseless to stop her. Finally the referee gets involved pulling Candy off Knight Candy shoves the referee away before going back after Alexis once again Owen Nelson: Wow talk about a woman possessed. Candy Caine has seemly snapped. Ben Little: Indeed and I don’t think Alexis knows what to do about it. Candy picks Alexis up whipping her into the corner. Candy charges into the corner landing a running splash on Knight in the corner Candy steps back as Alexis stumbles forward Candy kicks Alexis in the gut setting up for the Push Pop Swirl but Alexis manages to counter the attempt sending Candy up and out to the floor Owen Nelson: A nice counter to the Push Pop Swirl by Alexis and a bad landing for Candy outside the ring. Alexis climbs outside the ring picking Candy up before whipping her into the barricade back first. Alexis makes a ruin towards Candy but Candy ducks and sends Alexis up and over the barricade into the crowd. The referee warns both Alexis & Candy to get it back into the ring as we see Candy pull Alexis up to her feet and back over the barricade. Candy then tosses Alexis into the ring but she’s cut off by Alexis while trying to get into the ring. Alexis delivers a boot to the back of Candy stopping her in her tracks. Alexis picks Candy up whipping her into the corner as we see Candy slam back first into the corner before falling flat on her face holding her back in pain Ben Little: Looks like the champ might have found a weakness. And it looks like she’s not giving up on it. Alexis walks over and picks up Candy delivering a back breaker to Candy but instead of dropping her on the mat Alexis holds Candy across her knee trying to make Candy give up. The referee ask Candy if she gives up and Candy tells him no. Alexis keeps up the pressure on Candy’s back but Candy still refuses to give up Owen Nelson: I can’t believe Candy hasn’t given up yet. I was for certain she’d have to give up by now. Alexis finally releases the hold frustrated that she wasn’t able to make Candy give up. Alexis starts stomping on Candy’s back keeping her on the mat before locking in a reverse chin lock while also placing her knee along the back of Candy for added pressure. We hear Candy screaming in pain as well as Alexis screaming for her to give up but Candy refuses trying to break the hold and get to her feet. Finally Alexis break the hold and rolls outside the ring. Alexis shoves the time keeper out of her way and grabs the Women’s title off the table. Alexis climbs back into the ring and the referee warns her about using the title belt. But Alexis refuses shoving the referee to the ground Candy gets to her feet and Alexis swings the title at her but Candy ducks and kicks the title away from Alexis. Candy kicks Alexis in the gut and DDT’s her onto the title belt she quickly slides the belt out of the ring covering Alexis as the referee crawls over and makes the count 1..2.. Alexis kicks out. Owen Nelson: Candy was so close but it wasn’t to be. Ben Little: No kidding. Just when it looked like Alexis was going to lose it all it didn’t happen. Candy can’t believe that Alexis wasn’t down for the three count, she begins to argue with the referee as Alexis gets to her feet, Alexis grabs Candy from behind and hits a belly-to-back suplex on Candy. Alexis is quick to her feet as she pulls Candy up, she throws Candy off the ropes, as she comes back Alexis jumps up and clotheslines Candy sending her down, Alexis goes for the pin 1..2. Candy kicks out. Owen Nelson: Almost! Alexis gets up and signals for the Good Knight. The crowd begins to cheer as the Women's Champion brings Candy Caine to her feet and lifts her up for the Good Knight, but Candy Caine wiggles her way out and slips from behind. Candy Caine turns Alexis around, kicks her in the gut and hits the amazing PUSHPOP SWIRL ON ALEXIS KNIGHT. Candy's fans erupts with cheers as Candy Caine wastes no time making the cover. ........1.......2......Alexis barely gets her shoulder up in the last second. As Alexis fans begins to cheer her on. Ben Little: What a close one. Owen Nelson: I think the closest this far. Candy Caine who is a bit confused heads over to the turnbuckles and begins to climb them. The crowd cheers her on, as a dazed and stunned Alexis slowly makes her way to her feet. Candy Caine suddenly leaps for a clothesline, but Alexis side steps and applies the Knight of Retribution. Alexis fans erupts. Owen Nelson: Ohhh, she got it locked in. Candy Caine is reeling as she desperately looks to reach the ropes as she is in the middle of the ring. Alexis continue to keep it applied on as Candy Caine continue to fade. The referee, lifts the arm of Candy for the first time and it drops to the canvas in front a totally mixed crowd. .....ONE! Ben Little: That is the first fall. The referee lifts the arm again and it drops. ......TWO! Owen Nelson: One more and this is over. Alexis tightens the cross face a little more, as the referee lifts the arm for Candy Caine for the third time. He lets it go, but Candy shows that she is still in the match. Ben Little: Candy Caine is not giving up. Suddenly Candy Caine rolls over as Alexis still have the submission move locked in. The referee sees Alexis Knight shoulder down on the canvas and he makes the count. .....1......2.....THREE same time Candy Caine taps out! The referee looks confused as this happens. The bell rings but with no winner announced. Ben Little: Alright, who is the winner? Both Alexis and Candy Caine slowly reaches back to their feet and both begins to argue as the referee don't know what the decision is. Owen Nelson: Controversy, reigning supreme here tonight. As Alexis Knight and Candy Caine continue arguing at each other on who won the match. GOTHIKA runs out from the crowd, grabs the Women's Championship belt. “Big” Ben Little: Hey, there’s Gothika! Gothika slides into the ring and attacks Alexis Knight from behind. Before Candy Caine could do anything, Gothika attacks her with the championship belt as well. She drops the women's championship on to the canvas as "Forsaken" by Disturbed begins to play. The crowd erupts with boos as the dominant Gothika steps out of the ring. Owen Nelson: For what reason have Gothika made her presence felt here earlier tonight than we expected. Ben Little: Maybe to prove a point? Owen Nelson: What damn point she had to prove with that attack on Candy and Alexis? Ben Little: I don't know, but she is a diva you know and this is the diva's division. Owen Nelson: Well yeah, in any event, the question here tonight is who is the ECFW Women's Champion? Interview John Davis is standing by with one of the challengers for the United States Championship in an 8 person Battle Royal, the rookie Mike Angel. John Davis – Mike Angel, in just moments from now you get your very first title opportunity when you enter a Battle Royal with 6 other guys and for the first time ever, 1 female. What are your thoughts going into this match? Mike Angel – This is the moment I’ve been waiting my whole life for. Ever since I can remember I’ve wanted to compete with the best and the best are right here in Extreme Championship Fatal Wrestling. For weeks the United States champion Assassin has ignored my performances in the ring, well tonight there will be no more ignoring me, there will be no more disrespecting me, I am going to show the world that Mike Angel is for real and that Mike Angel is not a one hit wonder, and it all begins tonight when I, The Charisma, captures the United States Championship. John Davis – Well there are 7 other athletes striding for the same goal, to become United States Champion and one of this athletes is a female in Gothika. Mike Angel – I don’t go around hitting chicks, but if Gothika gets in my face I will have no hesitation in hitting her and throwing her Vampire ass over the top rope. Nobody, weather it is a male or a female will stop me from becoming the new United States champion, Mike Angel, new US Champ, it has a nice ring to it, don’t you think? John Davis – Any thoughts on the other participants in this match? Mike Angel – Rob Black, Donny Downfall, Steeve Sinister, Scottie Caine, Alistair Duma, Assassin and Gothika, you are all gunning for the same reward, to become United States champion, or in Assassin’s case, to hold onto the United States Championship, but there will only be one winner, I hate to burst any bubbles but basically you are looking at the winner right here, I am not christened “The Future” for nothing, now if you’ll excuse me, I have a United States Championship to win. Mike Angel walks off towards the ring as the Scene Fades. Owen Nelson: Its for the United States Championship, and its up next… 8-MAN BATTLE ROYAL FOR THE UNITED STATES CHAMPIONSHIP Sam Jenkins – This next contest is an 8 person battle royal where the only way to win is by throwing all your opponents over the rope so that BOTH of their feet touch the floor until only 1 person remains and it is for the United States Championship. Introducing first, weighing in at 395lbs, from Austin, Texas, he is a member of The Path of Light, Alistair Duma. Alistair Duma’s music plays across the arena as the huge Duma appears on the stage and walks down to the ring as the fans boo. Alistair Duma gets to the ring and gets onto the ring apron and stepping over the top rope with ease as the music fades. Sam Jenkins – And the next participant, weighing in at 213lbs, from Calgary, Alberta, Canada, “The Charisma” Mike Angel. “Click Click Boom” by Saliva plays over the PA and out steps Mike Angel with a hoodie on. He walks to the ring as the fans cheer. Angel walks up the steps and whilst on the apron yanks his hoodie off and steps through the ropes as the music fades. Sam Jenkins – The next entrant, weighing in at 319lbs, from Quebec City, Canada, he is a member of the Shadows of Agony, Steeve Sinister. Steeve Sinister’s music plays and out steps the monster. The fans cheer as Sinister walks down the ramp to the ring. He gets on the ring apron and strides over the top ropes and raises his arms as his music fades. Sam Jenkins – And the next entrant, weighing in at 290lbs, from Devant, Rob Black. Rob Black’s music hits as the crowd cheers and out steps Black. He smiles at the screaming fans before heading down the ramp. Once in front of the ring, Black slithers underneath the ropes and stands up. He stands on the middle turnbuckle with his arms raised as his music fades. Sam Jenkins – And the next combatant, weighing in at 200lbs, from Santa Cruz, California, “The Pocket Rocket” Scottie Caine. Scottie’s music hits and out comes Scottie jumping around like a Mexican jumping bean. The fans cheer loudly for the smallest man on the roster. Scottie runs down the ramp and dives underneath the bottom rope and leaps onto his feet running around the ring like an excited child as his music fades. Sam Jenkins – And the 6th combatant, being accompanied by Diamond, from Detroit, Michigan, Damia Baxter, also known as Gothika! Forsaken by Disturbed plays and out steps Gothika along with Diamond as the fans boo the Goth female. Gothika shakes her head as she and Diamond walk down the ramp. Gothika climbs the steps and steps through the ropes as the other guys in the ring already don’t know what to think. Diamond remains on the outside as Gothika takes off her black cloak as her music fades. Sam Jenkins – And the next combatant, weighing in at 245lbs, from Rimouski, Quebec, Canada, he is a member of the Shadows of Agony, Donny Downfall. Downfall by Trust Company plays as the fans stand on their feet and cheer for the legend that is Donny Downfall. Donny appears on the stage as immediately heads towards the ring looking focused. He crawls into the ring and stands up as his music fades. Sam Jenkins – And the final entrant for this match, weighing in at 325lbs, from Dallas, Texas, he is the United States Champion, here is Assassin. “Back the Fuck Up” plays across the arena as Assassin with his US title belt strapped around his waist appears on the stage as the fans cheer. Assassin heads down the ramp and climbs the steps. The US champion steps through the ropes and unstraps his title and hands it to the referee who immediately holds it high in the air for all the challengers and the fans to see. The referee hands it to the timekeeper as we are about to get underway as all opponents eye one another up. (Ding, ding) The bell rings as the eight competitors stand in the ring all taking glances at each other. Suddenly
Scottie Caine and Assassin run at each other and start punching each other in the middle of the ring, the rest of the competitors
move to the middle of the ring and all begin fighting with each other, it looks like a big dog pile in the ring. As everybody
in the ring gets to their feet we see four separate fights going on. We see Assassin fighting with Scottie, Steeve Sinister
fighting with Alistair Duma, Gothika fighting with Mike Angel and Rob Black fighting with Donny Downfall. Owen Nelson – I cannot believe it, Scottie Caine has fulfilled his dream, he is the new United States Champion. “Big” Ben Little – He had to use a damn chair though to do it. The little pipsqueak. The referee hands Scottie the United States title belt and raises the hand of “The Pocket Rocket”. Scottie drops to his knees and looks to the heavens as he knows his parents are looking down. Scottie, with tears in his eyes rolls out of the ring and into the cheering crowd. The smallest guy on the roster begins to celebrate with the fans. Suddenly Scottie gets lifted up by a few of the fans as Scottie cheers and laughs with all the emotion and joy. Owen Nelson – Would you look at the emotion on Scottie’s face, this could very well be the most happiest night of Scottie’s young life. “Big” Ben Little – Scottie came into this match as an underdog and he had to resort to cheating to eliminate Assassin and my pick Gothika. It is a travesty, call the justice department. Backstage Segment The ECFW Champion Aric Hart is seen standing alone by himself, with the Buried Alive banner just at the back of him. Aric Hart: Tonight, I defend my ECFW World Championship against a high profile ECFW Superstar Gladiator. Like him or hate him, he has done it all in this business. Two time King of Kings winner, former Intercontinental Champion and former three time ECFW World Champion. Now I can't predict the far future, but as far as the near future goes, Gladiator after tonight, you are going to still be a former three time ECFW World Champion. Aric adjusts the ECFW Championship Gold on his shoulder. Aric Hart: I intended walking out that Steel Cage Match still the ECFW World Champion. I might take a beating, I might be busted open, but you're in for an Olympic beating of a life time and as result, Sam Jenkans words at the end of the match will be something like this. The Olympic Gold Medalist clears his throat and gets ready... Aric Hart: The winner of this match and still ECFW World Champion, ......Aric Hart! The ECFW Champion clears his throat one more time as he looks at the ECFW Camera. Aric Hart: Tonight Gladiator, is the end of the old era and the start of a new era. What am I talking about, I'm talking about your professional era Gladiator will come to an end one way or the other. You see it was because of my brother I lost my first ECFW Championship to you in the first. Tonight is going to be a different story. No Kyve Hart to help you out like last time. No Foundation of Success, not even your Protection Racket will help you walk out Louisville, Kentucky (crowd cheers from ringside) as the new ECFW Champion. This title belongs to me, after tonight it will still be mine. With a smile on his face, Aric Hart walks off the scene. Scene Fades. Owen Nelson: Tonight, its Aric Hart vs. Gladiator Part 4, inside a 15-foot-high solid Steel Cage, and its for the richest prize in the game, the ECFW World Heavyweight Championship. “Big” Ben Little: That Title is on the line later, but right now, up next, it’s the Tag Team Titles that are on the line in a feud that has been going on and off for over a year. It’s the Caine’s and The Duma’s, and its coming up right now… ECFW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH THE CAINE BROTHERS VS. THE BROTHERS DUMA
[Johnny Smith is the referee for this match. (Ring, ring, ring) Mark Duma clotheslines Danny Caine. Christopher
Duma tagged in by Mark Duma. Danny Caine hits Christopher Duma with an elbow drop from the second turnbuckle. Danny Caine
moves back to his feet. Danny Caine tags Marko Caine. Marko Caine sets Christopher Duma up DDTs him into the mat. They lockup.
Marko Caine sends Christopher Duma to the corner of the ring. ] “Big” Ben Little - Beautiful suplex by Christopher Duma. [Christopher Duma brings Marko Caine back up to his feet and he Irish whips him into the ropes. M. Caine bounces back to find that C. Duma has lowered his head too early, and Marko takes advantage by dropping Christopher Duma with the CYCLONATRAUMA!] Crowd: Oohh! Owen Nelson: Oh! The Cyclonatrauma out of nowhere by Marko Caine! Its got to be over here… [Marko Caine makes the cover on the motionless Christopher Duma, hooking the outer leg…1...2...Mark Duma breaks up the count just in time!] “Big” Ben Little: Oh, man! That was close, but Mark Duma makes the save for his brother. [Mark Duma is stomping on the downed Marko Caine when Danny Caine jumps into the ring and he dives, taking Christopher Duma down with a flying clothesline.] Owen Nelson: Danny Caine is in to help his brother, and now all four men are in the ring, the Tag Team Titles on the line. [Mark Duma gets back up to his feet, and Danny Caine runs and knocks him over the top rope and out of the ring with a clothesline!] “Big” Ben Little: Danny Caine sends Mark Duma out to ringside! [Danny Caine then turns around and starts helping his hurt brother Marko up to his feet, when Christopher Duma (dazed) is back up and he drives his elbow into the lower back of Danny Caine! Chris Duma gets up, bringing D. Caine up with him, and Christopher Duma whips Danny Caine into the ropes. Danny bounces back and Christopher Duma goes for The Final Word, but Danny ducks and Chris Duma turns around and Danny Caine goes for the Flashback, but Christopher Duma swats Danny down to the mat with his hands.] Owen Nelson: Simple but effective counter to the Flashback by Christopher Duma. [Danny Caine then gets back up to his feet and Christopher Duma runs and nearly takes his head off with THE FINAL WORD!] Crowd: Oh! “Big” Ben Little: Good God, what a big boot, The Final Word, by Christopher Duma! [Danny Caine is down and out and Christopher Duma looks down at him, a sinister smile on his face. Christopher Duma turns back around and he is kicked in the gut and dropped with the TWISTED TORMENT BY DANNY CAINE!!!] Owen Nelson: Twisted Torment! [Marko Caine stands up and Mark Duma is back in the ring with the hard covered Bible. Mark Duma swings the Bible for Marko’s face but Marko ducks and drop toe holds Mark Duma face-first into his own Bible!] Crowd: Oh! “Big” Ben Little: Oh! [Mark Duma is back up, staggering and holding his face in pain. Marko Caine kicks him in the gut and he turns him into the TWISTED TORMENT ONTO THE BIBLE!!!] Crowd: Oohh! Owen Nelson: Man! The Twisted Torment, sending Mark Duma face-first once again into his own Bible. [Marko Caine covers Mark Duma, and Christopher Duma is about to break up the count, but Danny Caine stops Chris Duma with the FLASHBACK right to the face, as the ref counts Marko’s pin over Mark Duma…1...2...3!] Bell rings! “Big” Ben Little: The Champions retain! Sam Jenkans: Here are your winners and still your ECFW Tag Team Champions, The Caine Brothers! Crowd reaction is mixed. Owen Nelson: Just like at Cyber Carnage V in May, The Caine Brothers defeat their arch rivals, The Duma’s. Marko and Danny Caine stand up and hug as the referee raises both their arms in victory and hands them their Tag Team Title Belts. “Big” Ben Little: The Duma’s tried to use their trusty Bible, but it backfired and actually cost them the Gold. What a match. Marko and Danny Caine are standing side-by-side, raising each other’s arms up high, their Tag Title Belts being held up by their free hands. Owen Nelson: The Caine’s are still the Champs. Backstage Segment We are backstage in Stef Morrus' locker room, inside is Sydney Lyons and Lonewolf, they are talking to each other and Lonewolf appears to be distraught over something. Sydney Lyons: Listen, Jeff, I know your pain, you lost the one thing aside from yourself that is a sign of your Scottish heritage which you hold so dear. Not to mention, this gives you all the more reason to kill Jason Blade. Lonewolf: Oh rest assured that Jason... Will... DIE!!! Suddenly the door flies open, in the doorway is Stef Morrus in his wrestling gear. Stef Morrus: You guys will never guess who I just saw in the hallway, follow me. Sydney and Lonewolf look at each other before proceeding to follow Stef down the hallway, they stop at a box of small pipes. Stef Morrus: Grab one each. They each grab a pipe and walk around the corner where they see eight security guards around Lisa Myles who has bandages all over her. Stef, Lonewolf and Sydney all look at each other and run toward the security guards and begin swinging their weapons at the guards. One by one the guards fall to the floor, Lisa Myles runs down the hallway as Sydney chases her. Once all the security guards are done for Stef and Lonewolf begin their pursuit. Sydney catches up with Lisa and takes her down from behind. Sydney begins to punch Lisa over and over in the back of the head before getting up. Sydney Lyons: YOU STUPID BITCH!!! Stef and Lonewolf catch up as Sydney pulls Lisa up by her hair and pulls her into a near-by men's rest room, she pulls Lisa in and shoves her head into a urinal and keeps her head in there for a few seconds before pulling her head out. Sydney holds Lisa up toward Stef and Lonewolf as Stef approaches her and rips her gold cross off from around her neck, throws it in the toilet and flushes it. Lonewolf now gets into Lisa's face. Lonewolf: Before we take you back to Canada... I want to hear it from you... You're not really a follower of god... so say it Lisa... you're the devil's BITCH!!! You're his whore... say it. Lisa Myles: NO!!!!! After this Sydney knees Lisa in the back as she screams. Sydney Lyons: SAY IT, YOU DIRTY SLUT!!! Lonewolf grabs Lisa by the cheeks and squeezes her cheeks together. Lonewolf: Say it, Lisa. Lisa Myles (Reluctantly): I am the devil's bitch... I am his whore. Lonewolf: Good, you're coming with me. Sydney turns Lisa around and slaps her across the mouth as she falls back, Lonewolf catches her in his arms and drags her out of the restroom, Stef comes out from the stall stepping through the water that overflowed from the toilet. Stef Morrus: Stupid, stupid girl, thought she could escape Sorrow... Nobody escapes Sorrow. I have a match to get ready for, good day, you ice queen you. Stef leaves the rest room as Sydney follows, the Scene Fades. Owen Nelson: Wow, I, uh, don’t even know what to say after seeing that… “Big” Ben Little: …Uh…how about…Montego vs. Preston Jacks, up next... MONTEGO VS. PRESTON JACKS (A.K.A. COLA BOY) Sam Jenkans: Ladies and gentlemen! The following contest is for one fall. crowd cheers. Introducing first from Manchester, England, ......Preston Jacks! The sold out crowd erupts with cheers, as a focus Preston Jacks makes his way out on to stage. He then begins to make his way down the ramp, as he slaps the hands of a few fans. This is when Montego rushes down the ramp and takes down Preston Jacks. Owen Nelson: Oh my God, what is this? Ben Little: Montego, just couldn't wait anymore. Owen Nelson: Well I can see that now. Montego continue to kick Preston hard into the ribs. He then brings him to his feet and takes him down to ring side. Montego lifts Preston in the air with a Military Press and tosses him into the steel poll. Preston Jacks collides rib first as he rolls around the ground. Owen Nelson: Man referee Greg Petty, better do something, or else we wont have any match. Montego walks towards the steel steps and dismantles the top part of the steel stairs. He then lifts the smaller version up and slides it into the square circle. The crowd is booing as Montego brings the hurting Preston Jacks to his feet and rolls him into the ring. Montego then climbs up the apron and enters the ring. Greg Petty finally calls for the bell. DING DING DING Owen Nelson: Well I guess this match is on it's way. Ben Little: And Preston Jacks looks like garbage if you ask me. Montego picks up the steel stairs and begins to stalk Preston Jacks. Greg Petty is warning Montego not to use the steel stairs. Montego ignores the referee and as soon as Preston returns to his feet WHAM! Montego takes him out with the steel stairs. Busting Preston wide open immediately. Greg Petty calls for the bell. As the bell is sounded in front a sold-out Kentucky crowd. DING DING DING Sam Jenkans: Here is your winner via disqualification, ....PRESTON JACKS!!! The crowd cheers, as Montego looks at the referee and begins to intimidate Greg Petty as he quickly leaves the ring. Owen Nelson: Well Preston Jacks won the match by DQ. Ben Little: But at what cost Owen, I mean look at him. In a bloody mess and I don't think Montego is finished with him yet. Owen Nelson: Unfortunately I don't think so either. Montego looks down at Preston Jacks and smiles. He then heads to the outside, pushes Sam Jenkans out of the way and grabs a steel chair. The crowd continue to boo as Montego enters back into the ring with the steel chair. Inside the squared circle he opens the steel chair and places his head between the opened chair, where his neck is now are. Owen Nelson: Oh no! He wants to end Preston's career. Like he did with Sam Wilde and Corey Venom. The crowd begins to chant "You Suck, You Suck, You Suck" over and over at Montego as he begins to climb the turnbuckles. As he reaches on top, the crowd erupts with cheers as Sam Wilde runs down the ramp and slides into the ring. A shocked Montego looks on as Sam Wilde quickly takes the chair away from Preston Jacks and WHACK! He hits Montego with it. He uses the steel chair on Montego again and again as Montego loses balance and falls to the outside. The crowd is cheering like crazy as officials quickly makes their way to the ring and stands in front Montego, who wants to get back into the ring. Owen Nelson: Well for the first time in a long time, The Coca Cola Boys are in the ring at the same time. The crowd begins to chant "Coca Cola, Coca Cola, Coca Cola" as Sam Wilde gets to his knees and checks on Preston Jacks. Ben Little: It's a bit amazing to see Preston and Sam in the same ring at the same time, but Preston did not have one of his best days. Owen Nelson: Well tonight surely did not turned out the way Montego wanted it to turn out and that is to end Preston Jacks career right here in the Freedom Hall. The scene fades as officials escort Montego towards the backstage area. Backstage Segment We go backstage inside the Foundation of Success locker room where Kyve Hart (With Intercontinental Championship belt on his shoulder) is leaning against the wall, Stephan Silverstone who is pacing back and forth and Gladiator who is sitting on the plush leather couch stretched out are all discussing their upcoming matches. Stephan Silverstone – In just a short while I will finally once and for all rid ECFW of the embarrassment that is Hard stone, Da Man will be buried 6 feet under the earth. I put you on the shelf at June Jam last year for 8 glorious months only for you to return and hang on to The Foundation’s coattails in the hope of salvaging your failing career. Then last month at June Jam, 1 year in the making of the infamous beat down I gave you, you got lucky and beat me, now here we are at Buried Alive, the event where I finally end your worthless career, rest in piece Hard Stone, rest in piece. Kyve Hart – And just before you do that myself, Stef Morrus and Slade Craven will be ending the pathetic career of Jason Blade. The pranks and the jokes stop here, I don’t need Stef or Slade to help beat you Jason, but a little insurance always helps, you see to capture my Intercontinental Championship you have to pin me or make me submit, if you somehow manage to beat Stef or Slade then too damn bad, I remain the Champ. But you won’t even do that, hell will freeze over if you get a world title shot at the expense of Kyve Hart, Stef Morrus or Slade Craven, the odds are stacked against you Jason like never before, to survive tonight you will need more than a miracle. Gladiator – And after you two beat the hell out of Hard Stone and Jason Blade respectively, I will be beating the hell out of Aric Hart and reclaiming what is rightfully mine and going into the record books once again by becoming the first ever 4-time world heavyweight champion. Aric Hart, we have had issues in the past, you’ve beaten me and I’ve beaten you but this time, this time there will be no you’ve beaten me sunshine. I am going to take you to hell inside of a 15 foot steel cage, I am going to make it your permanent home, this will be the first time you’ve ever stepped inside of a cage, it isn’t some Olympic amateur wrestling tournament you know, this match is where careers get shortened, where lives can end, where dreams get shattered, Aric, not only will your dreams be shattered sunshine, but I will end your bloody worthless career, and after it is all said and done you will have one man and one man only to thank, The Icon. Stephan Silverstone – Let’s do this thing and make a clean sweep once again for The Foundation of Success. Kyve Hart – And it all starts with me destroying The Loose Cannon. Gladiator – Show him why you are “5-Star Superstar” Kyve. Kyve Hart leaves the locker room for his upcoming match as Stephan and Gladiator sit in silence thinking about their upcoming brutal matches. Scene Fades. “Big” Ben Little: Its going to be a good night for The Foundation, I can just tell. Owen Nelson: We’ll see…but as I understand it, John Davis is standing backstage right now with “The Loose Cannon” Jason Blade. So lets’ take it back there now… Interview Interviewer John Davis is standing by with “The Loose Cannon” Jason Blade who is due to compete in a 3-on-1 handicap match. John Davis – I am here with Jason Blade who moments from now will be in for one of the fights of his life, because coming up Jason, you will be facing not 1, not 2 but 3 guys who is the current Intercontinental Champion and former Intercontinental Champions, I am referring to Kyve Hart, Stef Morrus and Slade Craven. Jason Blade – Sounds scary doesn’t’t it? John Davis – Well Jason, the odds are stacked against you more than they have been before. Jason Blade – John, all my life the odds have been stacked against me, what makes this any different? Just before Extreme Pain in 2004 I was brutally attacked and beaten by Montego and The Family, when I returned I was less than 50% healthy and what happened? I became the world heavyweight champion at Extreme Pain, I fought Nick at Destruction in 2005 and all of Nick’s Family came down to assist their boss and what happened? I single handedly took them out, back to 2004, I destroyed The Main Event, I destroyed the Chaos of Execution, 2005 I destroyed The Family, so you see, just because it is 3-on-1 don’t count the best this business has ever produced out, you know better than that John. John Davis – Well if you do win the match but it is Stef or Slade you beat then you earn a world heavyweight championship shot, the first shot at the big gold you’ve had since Blood Bath last year. But if you were to pin Kyve or make him submit then not only will you earn your world title shot but you will become the new Intercontinental Champion. Jason Blade – Indeed I will John, glad to see you’ve done your research. Now does that mean I am not bothering with Slade and Stef because I only want to beat Kyve? No, if I get the chance of beating Stef or Slade then I will seize the opportunity because if I don’t that could cost me the whole match, but what an occasion it will be if I did beat Kyve, how would the lil bitch react without his Intercontinental championship, better yet, how will he react when Jason Blade takes the second title belt from Kyve Hart this year. Jason Blade – Now as you know, Kyve made this match but do you think he was pushed into by General Manager Kurt Evans? Jason Blade – No doubt, you see, Kurt Evans is like a stain on the pants of the universe, he is like a rash, no matter how hard you scratch he just keeps hanging around, Kurt Evans wants Jason Blade out of Extreme Championship Fatal Wrestling and he will go to any lengths necessary to achieve that, even if it meant making a 3-on-1 handicap match, Kurt didn’t’t count on the fact though that I am not a regular athlete, I am The Franchise of this company and tonight, when I beat Kyve Hart, Stef Morrus and Slade Craven all over Louisville, Kentucky, I will pay to see the look upon Kurt Evans face as he pulls his hair out in anger, now if you don’t mind, John, I have three asses to whoop. Jason Blade walks off as the Scene Fades. Owen Nelson: Jason Blade is in for the fight of his life, and its gonna happen right here, right now… 3-ON-1 HANDICAP MATCH JASON BLADE VS. KYVE HART, STEF MORRUS, & SLADE CRAVEN Sam Jenkans: Ladies and gentlemen the following contest is for one fall is the Three on One Handicap Match and in this contest there will be No Disqualification. The crowd begins to buzz like crazy as they are excited, but confused of the sudden stipulation. Owen Nelson: What? No Disqualification?! "Big" Ben Little: The work of The Foundation of Success continue to take place here at Buried Alive. Owen Nelson: No doubt Ben, no doubt. "The End of Heartache" begins to play as the crowd erupts with boos. The Intercontinental Champion Kyve Hart makes his way out on stage with the championship belt around his waist. Soon after he makes his way out on stage, Stef Morrus and Slade Craven make their way out on stage to a chorus of boos from the sold out Freedom Hall. Sam Jenkans: Introducing first the team of the Intercontinental Champion Kyve Hart, Stef Morrus and Slade Craven!!! The continue with their boos as the three superstars make their way down the ramp towards the ring. Owen Nelson: Ohhh this is just not good for Jason Blade, especially now that it's No Disqualification. "Big" Ben Little: Well The Foundation really want this night to be the destruction of Jason Blade. The three superstars are now in the ring, waiting for Jason Blade as "The End of Heartache" begins to fade. Suddenly the countdown on the titan tron begins as the crowd boos quickly change in to cheers......5......4.....3.....2.....1..... All lights in the arena goes out and then BOOM! The pyros explode and "Live for the Moment" by Monster Magnet begins to play. A hyped up Jason Blade makes his way out on stage to a cheering crowd. Owen Nelson: And the Freedom Hall has erupted for Jason Blade! The Blademeister begins to make his way down the ramp as he stares right in to the ring where his three opponents stand and wait. Sam Jenkans: Making his way to the ring, weighing in at 225 pounds, from Calgary, Alberta, Canada, .....Jason Blade!!! The crowd cheers continue to grow as Jason Blade slowly climbs up on to the apron and enters the ring. Referee Nathan Greenland takes the championship belt away from Kyve Hart as he then calls for the bell. DING DING DING Both Stef Morrus and Slade Craven quickly attacks Jason Blade as Kyve Hart stands back looks at the two pound away on the former two-time ECFW Champion. The crowd is already booing as Stef and Slade continue the assault on The Blademeister. Owen Nelson: The numbers game is totally against Jason Blade here tonight. "Big" Ben Little: And look at Kyve, he don't even need to give a helping hand. Owen Nelson: I'm sure Kyve Hart is enjoying all this. Stef and Slade now brings Jason Blade to his feet and Irish-whips him into the ropes. As Blade bounces off and returns, Stef and Slade goes for a double clothesline, but Jason Blade ducks under, bounces off from the other side of the ropes. And returns with a double flying forearm taking down the two former Intercontinental Champions. The crowd erupts with cheers. Jason Blade quickly returns to his feet and begins to attack Slade Craven who is now on his feet with hard rights. Blade then irish-whips Slade Craven as he returns, Jason Blade ducks and delivers a big back body drop of Craven. Stef Morrus quickly rushes Blade, only to be hit by a drop kick by The Blademeister. Owen Nelson: Both Slade and Stef is down! "Big" Ben Little: This can't be happening. This follows by Jason Blade bringing Slade Craven to his feet and tossing him right over the top rope to the outside. Just as he is doing that, Stef Morrus rushes after him, but Blade side steps and sends Stef flying over the top rope, crashing to the outside. The crowd is cheering like crazy as an upset and angry Kyve Hart looks on. Jason Blade turns and points at Kyve Hart as he simply jumps off the apron to the outside. Owen Nelson: Come on Kyve, it's put up or shut up. Jason Blade is challenging Kyve Hart to get into the ring, but Kyve Hart is ignoring him. A frustrated Jason Blade suddenly rushes towards ropes and slides to the outside, as Kyve Hart begins to run around the ring, while Jason Blade chases him. As Kyve runs around the corner of the ring for a third time, Jason Blade runs after him as the crowd is cheering, when suddenly both Stef Morrus and Slade Craven takes him down with a surprise double arm clothesline. Jason Blade is reeling on the outside, as Kyve Hart begins to show directions as he tells both Stef and Slade to toss Blade into the steel stairs. They Irish-whips The Blademeister as he crashes shoulder first into the steel stairs. The crowd continue to boo, as Kyve Hart nods his head in satisfaction. "Big" Ben Little: Jason Blade is so obsessed on getting his hands on Kyve Hart, he forgot on just how much opponents he has tonight. Slade and Stef dismounts the small part of the steel stairs as the big steel stairs is now exposed. They both bring Jason Blade to his feet as Kyve Hart looks on. He then signals to them to 'do it'. The both left Jason Blade up in a double suplex situation and then lands him on the larger part of the steel stairs. (Crowd: Ohhh) Owen Nelson: Oh my gosh! "Big" Ben Little: I think they have just broken the back of Jason Blade. Owen Nelson: Unfortunately, I think so too. The crowd continue to boo as Craven and Morrus brings Blade to his feet and rolls him into the squared circle. Kyve Hart stays on the out side and looks on as Stef Morrus makes the first cover of the match. Nathan Greenland makes the count. .....1.....2.....Jason Blade barely gets his shoulder up as the crowd cheers. Stef Morrus, Slade Craven can't believe it as Kyve simply looks on. Stef Morrus brings Blade to his feet again and now delivers some hard rights, as Slade Craven stands back. After a number of hard rights to Jason Blade, The Blademeister begins to fire back with hard rights of his own. The crowd begins to cheer, as Jason Blade takes down Stef Morrus with a very hard right. Slade Craven quickly hits Jason Blade from the back with a forearm. He then Irish-whips him into the turnbuckles. Slade takes a couple steps back and then runs quickly towards Blade, but Blade moves just in time as Slade Craven goes through between the turnbuckles and hits his shoulder into the steel pole. Just as Stef Morrus recovers Jason Blade takes him down and applies THE HIGHLIGHTER SUBMISSION HOLDON STEF MORRUS. The crowd erupts as Stef Morrus desperately looks for the ropes. But he is too far from any. Owen Nelson: The Highlighter by Jason Blade is locked in. "Big" Ben Little: Impossible is about to happen, I am afraid. Just as Stef raises his arm in the air, WHACK! Kyve Hart hits Jason Blade on the side of the forehead with the Intercontinental Championship. The crowd erupts with boos. "Big" Ben Little: Yes! Owen Nelson: Damn that Kyve! Kyve drops the championship gold to the canvas, pulls down and out Blade away from the hurting Stef Morrus and then makes the cover in front a booing Louisville, Kentucky crowd. Nathan Greenland gets down and makes the count. .....1.....2....The Blademeister barely kicks out again. The crowd erupts with cheers. Kyve signals to the referee three, but Nathan Greenland shakes his head and signals back to him two. Owen Nelson: And it was only a two count. "Big" Ben Little: It's just a matter of time Owen, before Jason Blade's dreams is over. Kyve Hart gets up and brings Jason Blade to his feet. He pushes him into the corner by the turnbuckles and hits a couple knees to the mid-section of The Blademeister. Kyve Hart then places Jason Blade onto the top rope and begins to climb. "Big" Ben Little: Can you smell a Superplex coming up here by the Five Star Superstar? With the crowd continuing with their boos, Kyve hooks Jason Blade up and then hits a huge Superplex from the top rope to Jason Blade. Kyve who is down, suddenly springs back to his feet as he taunts Jason Blade. The smiling Kyve Hart starts to climb the turnbuckle once again as he takes his time. Owen Nelson: Kyve taking his time, this may come back to haunt him. Kyve leaps with the Super Kyve Dyve, but Jason Blade moves out of the way as Kyve crashes into the canvas. Stef Morrus looks to Irish-whip Jason Blade, but The Blademeister counters it with a Side Effect. The crowd erupts with cheers, as Slade Craven slides into the ring with a steel chair in hand and swings it, but Blade ducks and hits a low blow on Slade Craven. "Big" Ben Little: Hey, that’s not fair. Owen Nelson: No disqualifications! Remember? Jason Blade picks up the steel and WHACK! He slams the steel chair into the forehead of Slade Craven. Jason turns and WHACK! He hits Stef Morrus across the back with the steel chair. The crowd continue to cheer as Kyve Hart slowly pulls himself up using the ropes. As soon he turns around CRACK! Jason Blade takes the Intercontinental Champion down with a thunderous chair shot, that echoes through out the arena. Owen Nelson: Good Lord! Did you hear that chair shot. Kyve is out in the middle of the ring as Jason Blade makes the cover. The crowd counts along as Greenland makes the count. .....1.....2.....Suddenly Jason Blade is pulled off by General Manager Kurt Evans. The crowd is booing like crazy, as Jason Blade just realizes that Kurt Evans is out side smiling. An angry and frustrated Jason Blade walks over to the ropes and begins to talk trash to Kurt Evans. He then walks back over to give and begins to pick him up, when Kyve suddenly low blows The Blademeister, causing him to fall to his knees. The crowd begins to boo. "Big" Ben Little: Hey no need for booing now, it's all legal. A daze Stef Morrus gets up and holds up Jason Blade, who is still in a whole lot of pain after being low blowed by Kyve Hart. Slade Craven finally gets back to his feet as he stand back. The crowd is already booing as Slade Craven goes for the CLIQ KICK, but Jason Blade gets away from the grasp of Stef Morrus and moves out of the way. Slade hits the super kick on Stef Morrus. The crowd erupts with cheers. Owen Nelson: Wrong person! Slade Craven still shocked turns around and is kicked into the gut by Blade and is hit by the BLADE CUTTER. Owen Nelson: Blade Cutter! The Blade Cutter by Jason Blade. "Big" Ben Little: This is not good, do something Kurt. Stef Morrus struggles back to his feet only to be turned around and given the BLADE CUTTER BY JASON BLADE. "Big" Ben Little: Damn, not a second one. Kurt Evans quickly jumps up on the apron, only be hit by a hard right by Jason Blade the crowd erupts with cheers. "Big" Ben Little: Hey! You can't do that on our General Manager. Owen Nelson: Well he just did and Kurt Evans, had no business on the apron. Just as Jason Blade turns around, Kyve Hart leaps from the canvas and hit THE FIVE STAR DESTROYER ON JASON BLADE. The crowd erupts with boos. "Big" Ben Little: Ha ha, the destruction of Jason Blade is at hand. Kyve Hart makes the cover as Greenland makes the count. .....1.....2.....The Blademeister rests his foot on the bottom rope. The crowd cheers as the referee stops the count. Kyve Hart can't believe it, as he begins to hit the canvas over and over again. A pissed off Kyve gets up, pulls Jason back to his feet and brings his head between his legs as he hooks the arm. Before he could execute the Heart of Harts, Jason Blade counters with a back body drop on the Intercontinental Champion. Owen Nelson: Yes! "Big" Ben Little: Oh no! Jason turns around, as Kyve gets up holding his back, as soon as he is turned around, Jason Blade kicks him in the gut and drops him with the BLADE CUTTER! Jason Blade quickly makes the cover as the crowd continue to cheer. Nathan Greenland makes the count. ......1.......2....Just before the three count Kurt Evans rest the foot of Kyve under the bottom rope, but the referee does not see it and hits the canvas for a third time. THREE! DING DING DING! The crowd erupts with cheers as Jason's music begins to play. Owen Nelson: I think he’s done it! "Big" Ben Little: No, no, no, no, no, no! Kyve's leg was on the rope. Sam Jenkans: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this bout and the NEW Intercontinental Champion, .....JASON BLADE!!! Owen Nelson: Yes it's true and Jason is the number one contender to the World Heavyweight Championship as well. "Big" Ben Little: No this is a mistake, it can't be happening. Owen Nelson: Well it was just announced! As Sam Jenkans gets ready to hand the referee the Intercontinental Championship belt, as Jason stands in the ring looking on, Kurt Evans on the outside, snatches the Intercontinental Championship away from Sam hands. Kurt Evans with the title quickly makes his way towards the ramp. Owen Nelson: What in the world is this about? Jason looks confuse, as Kurt who is heading up the ramp with the Intercontinental Championship is shaking his head in a 'no' manner. The crowd is booing as Kurt heads to the backstage with the Intercontinental Championship. A somewhat disappointed Blade continue his celebration of victory as the crowd begins to cheer for him once again. "Big" Ben Little: Jason cheer all you want you damn cheater. Owen Nelson: How could you say Blade is a cheater? "Big" Ben Little: Kyve leg was on the rope. Owen Nelson: Well in any event, Blade is the number one contender for the World Heavyweight Championship and is the Intercontinental Champion in my book. "Big" Ben Little: A champion without his title. How funny! Backstage Segment Preston Jacks who is being stitched up by paramedics, is seen sitting down in his locker room, with Sam Wilde by his side when Kurt Evans walks into the room, holding the Intercontinental Championship still. Kurt Evans: Well, well, well, well. Now don't say I did not warned you about your fate tonight, Mr. Jacks. Kurt smiles as if he wants to laugh. Kurt Evans: In any event, I came here to personally deliver some news for the both of you. Sam Wilde: And what's that? Kurt Evans: First of all, welcome back to Extreme Championship Fatal Wrestling, missed you since you guys were put down by The Foundation of Success' very own Stephan Silverstone and Kyve Hart. Preston Jacks: What the hell do you want? Kurt Evans: Well now that The Coca Cola Boys is back in a somewhat way. At Extreme Pain, it's going to be Montego versus Sam Wilde and Preston Jacks in a Handicap Match. Sam Wilde and Preston Jacks suddenly interrupts the General Manager… Sam & Preston: Coca Cola Boys version two. Kurt has a questionable expression on his face as he shakes his head. Kurt Evans: It will be you two versus Montego at Extreme Pain. However let me do warn you now, that things could be subject to change. Now both Sam Wilde and Preston Jacks looks questioned to that comment as Kurt Evans fixes his suit and walks out of the locker room. The scene returns to the announcers table at ring side. Owen Nelson: Wow Extreme Pain waiting no time to take form as it's first match is announced already right here at Buried Alive. "Big" Ben Little: It's going to be Preston Jacks and Sam Wilde taking on Montego at Extreme Pain. And what does Kurt Evans mean about schedule to change? Owen Nelson: I do not know, but what I do know is up next is the Buried Alive Match. This feud between Silverstone and Hard Stone has been raging on for a year now and it has lead to this. Somebody will be buried alive here tonight in Louisville, Kentucky. "Big" Ben Little: These two have pure hatred for each other. I can't wait! Owen Nelson: Both men enter, and only one man is walking out… BURIED ALIVE MATCH HARD STONE VS. STEPHAN SILVERSTONE Sam Jenkins: Ladies and Gentlemen, this next contest is a Buried Alive Match in which to win the match you
have to put your opponent in the grave and bury them. Now, introducing first, weighing in at 269lbs, he is from Foxboro, Mass,
representing The Foundation of Success, “The Most Valuable Player” Stephan Silverstone. Owen Nelson: This fight has carried on through the crowd. “Big” Ben Little: This is great Hard Stone grabs Silverstone by the head and pulls him through the crowd, they reach a push door, Hard Stone runs with Stephan still in his grasp and throws Stephan head first through the doors, Hard Stone follows him back to the back. Hard Stone pulls Stephan to his feet and begins slamming his head off the walls. Hard Stone now pulls Stephan farther down the hallway and throws him into a Coca-Cola machine; the machine tips over from the force, two cans fall out of the machine as Stephan crashes down on top of it. Hard Stone grabs Stephan and pulls him up; he drags Stephan back through the push door. They are now back in the crowd as Hard Stone knees Silverstone in the gut, Hard Stone goes for the Hard Drop onto the concrete floor but Silverstone reverses by elbowing Hard Stone in the side of the head. Hard Stone holds his head in pain once he removes his hands from his head as Stephan swings his hand which is holding a full can of Coke which he must have picked up from the machine, Stephan hits Hard Stone in the side of the head with the compressed can, upon impact the can explodes on Hard Stone’s head, Hard Stone falls to the floor. Owen Nelson: What a shot by Stephan Silverstone “Big” Ben Little: That’s how you play this game. Stephan now drops the crushed can and pulls Hard Stone to his feet, he drags Hard Stone through the crowd and tosses him over the crowd barrier. Stephan leaps over the barrier and pulls Stone to his feet, he Irish whips Hard Stone into the ringside steps, Hard Stone is thrown back first into the steps and remains in this position as Stephan Silverstone runs and hits a football style tackle on Hard Stone sending him back detaching the two parts of the steps. Owen Nelson: He played the great American game, and it shows After a couple of seconds Stephan staggers to his feet and pulls Hard Stone up as well He rolls Hard Stone into the ring and rolls under the bottom rope himself. Inside, Stephan pulls Stone to his feet and lifts him up, he drops Hard Stone down for a Spinebuster. While Hard Stone is on the mat Silverstone hits three consecutive Elbows to the chest of Hard Stone. As Hard Stone begins to get to his feet Silverstone kicks Hard Stone hand in the back sending him rolling around the ring. Stephan pulls Stone to his feet and lifts him up above his head and walks over to the ropes, he throws Hard Stone over the top rope and crashing to the floor below. Stephan exits the ring after, he looks underneath the ring and pulls out three objects one by one. First he pulls out a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire, second a wooden table and third a can of gasoline, the crowd sends out a mixed reaction as Stephan throws the barbed wire bat to the floor and covers the end of it in gasoline, he pulls the bat off the floor and reaches into his kneepad, he pulls out a lighter, he flicks the lighter and touches it to the tip of the bat, the bat begins to incinerate as Hard Stone gets to his feet. “Big” Ben Little: This is cool, Owen Stephan takes a swing of the flaming barbed wire bat and connects over Hard Stone’s head, he falls back and rolls around in pain on the floor, he gets back to his feet as “The MVP” takes another swing, this time the flaming bat connects with Hard Stone’s stomach, Stone bends over clutching his gut in pain as Silverstone takes one last swing to Stone’s back sending “Da Man” down. Stephan tosses the bat to the floor and approaches Hard Stone again, he pulls Stone to his feet as we can now see that he is bleeding from his forehead, stomach and back. Stephan goes to toss Hard Stone back into the ring but Hard Stone reverses and throws Silverstone into the steel steps that were earlier broken Silverstone trips over one of the separate pieces of the ring steps. Silverstone collapses onto one of the halves of the ring steps as Hard Stone regains himself, he runs toward Silverstone but “The MVP” Quickly gets up and throws one of the ring step pieces at Hard Stone, the ring steps hits Hard Stone in the knee sending him down screaming holding his right knee in agony. Silverstone laughs as the fans boo. Owen Nelson: Hard Stone’s kneecap could have just been shattered by those steel steps, this is sickening. Stephan now walks over to where the table and can of gasoline is, Stephan grabs the gasoline with one hand and drags the table with the other. He brings both the gas and the table up to the top of the entrance ramp where he sets up the table and pours the gasoline all over it. He reaches back into his knee pad and pulls his light out, he touches the lighter to the table as the table goes up in flames. By the time the table is in flames Hard Stone has already gotten up and began limping up the stage once he gets there Stephan runs and clotheslines him onto the steel ramp. Stephan pulls Hard Stone to his feet and goes for The Most Valuable Slam through the flaming table but Hard Stone escapes from the move and quickly turns around, he grabs the shovel which has been placed beside the gravesite, pulls it out of the dirt and hits Silverstone over the head with it, Silverstone, while still dazed and on his feet is caught and set up for the Hard Drop… Owen Nelson: Hard Stone is going to kill “The MVP” here! “Big: Ben Little: NO!!! Just as Hard Stone is about to hit the Hard Drop his is taken out from the side by someone’s obviously powerful foot. The camera pans over as we see Montego standing there looking down at Hard Stone smirking. Owen Nelson: What the hell is Montego doing out here? Montego looks at Silverstone and nods as they both grab Hard Stone and lift him up, they hit a DOUBLE CHOKESLAM THROUGH THE FLAMING TABLE!!! Crowd: OOOHHH!!! “Big” Ben Little: HOLY SHIT! Crowd: HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! Etc. Owen Nelson: That was awful! As Hard Stone goes through the table he rolls around on the ramp in pain holding his back in pain. Stephan pulls him to his feet and drags him over to the gravesite, Stephan lifts up Hard Stone and hits the MOST VALUABLE SLAM INTO THE GRAVE!!! Owen Nelson: No it can’t end like this Montego now makes his way to the truck containing all the dirt, he turns it on and dumps all the dirt on top of the grave as the bell rings. (Ding, ding) Owen Nelson: What a sad ending… this is despicable, it makes me sick. Sam Jenkins: Here is your winner, STEPHAN SILVERSTONE!!! Stephan celebrates, bloody and battered as Montego steps down from the truck, Stephan offers his hand to Montego but Montego walks away, Stephan turns around to taunt and pose for the crowd but as he turns around again he is hit by a MONTY KICK from Montego! Crowd: Oh! “Big” Ben Little: Oh, Monty Kick! …Well this is confusing Owen Nelson: Montego just super kicked the man he helped bury Hard Stone, how is this explained? Montego just looks down at the gravesite and Silverstone as he walks to the back. “Big” Ben Little: In any event, thanks to help from Montego, Hard Stone has been buried alive here tonight in Freedom Hall. ________________________________________________________________________ (Shows Jason Blade with The Highlighter on a bloody Gladiator) “Pain is something we all experience.” (Shows Montego Powerbombing Sam Wilde over the top rope and out of the ring at this year’s June Jam) “Pain is inevitable.” (Shows Stephan Silverstone pushing Hard Stone’s ladder over in the ring, and Stone falling through four tables at ringside - Cyber Carnage V)“And on August 26th…” (Shows Coca Boy’s botched Bombs Away through the top of the Hell in the Cell at this year’s Aggression) “…These brave men and women won’t experience just any kind of pain…” (Shows Jason Blade’s botched moonsault off the top of the Elimination Chamber from ‘Death Wish 2005.’) “…They will experience EXTREME PAIN.”(The main chorus of “Bodies” can now be heard as we see various shots of all of the major, famous bumps in ECFW history.) “The ECFW proudly presents the fifth annual ‘Extreme Pain,’ coming to you LIVE and exclusively on pay-per-view from the Compaq Center in Houston, Texas on Saturday night, August 26th. Tickets are on sale now!” (The music stops and we see Gladiator swinging his Sledge Hammer at the camera, shattering the lens, thus ending the commercial.) ________________________________________________________________________ Owen Nelson: The fifth annual ‘Extreme Pain’ event will be live on pay-per-view from Houston in just four weeks on the 26th of August, and it is sure to be one hell of an event. “Big” Ben Little: We already know that we will see Montego take on The Coca Cola Boys in a Handicap Match, and we also know that Jason Blade will challenge the ECFW Champion, whoever that may be. Owen Nelson: We’ll find that out in a second. But folks, just moments ago… (As the announcers speak, we see some replays of the Buried Alive Match) Owen Nelson: …We witnessed the end of one of the most famous and illustrious careers in ECFW, and all of wrestling, history, because, thanks to the help from the monster Montego, which we don’t even know why that is, but “The MVP” has buried the 6-Time World Champion alive right here tonight in Louisville. “Big” Ben Little: Its something we’ll never forget, just like we’ll never forget “The Best There Is,” but the question remains, what were Montego’s motives? He can’t be the newest member of The Foundation of Success, because after the match, he turned and Monty Kicked “The MVP,” the man he had just helped. Owen Nelson: Who knows. The man makes me sick. Both of them. All I know is that Hard Stone was a pioneer of ECFW, and he will be missed. “Big” Ben Little: It’s a shame really…but we mustn’t live in the past, because coming up next, its our main event. The ECFW Championship is on the line, and it will be contested inside a Steel Cage! Owen Nelson: You’re right, Ben. Its Aric Hart/Gladiator Part 4, and the stakes have never been higher…and its coming to you right…now!… ECFW CHAMPIONSHIP STEEL CAGE MATCH ARIC HART VS. GLADIATOR Sam Jenkans: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is the main event! The crowd cheers as the 15-foot-high steel cage begins to lower from the ceiling and come down around the ring. Sam Jenkans: This match is a Steel Cage Match for the ECFW World Heavyweight Championship. The only way to win this match is by pinfall, submission, or by escaping the cage either through the door or by climbing over it. Now for the competitors: first, the challenger. He weighs 255 pounds and hails from London, England. He is a member of The Foundation of Success…GLADIATOR! (Crowd boos) “My Way” hits as the sold-out audience is on their feet, booing, as “The Icon” appears on the stage with a confident look on his face. Owen Nelson: He’s waited a long time for this opportunity to regain the ECFW World Heavyweight Championship, and if he can do it here tonight, he will become the first man in history to win the ECFW Title four different times. Gladiator makes his way down to ringside and he looks forward at the ring and the Steel Cage and he looks around at the giant structure and takes a deep breath before stepping forward and walking up the ring steps and entering the cage/ring through the cage doorway. “Big” Ben Little: “The Icon” is inside the cage, and he looks ready. Gladiator is pacing around the ring, referee Red Hairing standing in the middle of the ring/cage, and referee Bob Spano standing outside the ring/cage at the door. Sam Jenkans: And now for his opponent: he weighs 257 pounds, he is from Calgary, Alberta, Canada and he is the current ECFW World Heavyweight Champion…ARIC HART! (Crowd cheers) “The Legendary” 2-Time ECFW Champion appears on the stage with his Title Belt around his waist, the sold-out crowd on their feet and cheering. Owen Nelson: And this is the man that Gladiator must defeat to win his 4th ECFW Championship. The same man that he beat for his 3rd ECFW Championship, but at the same time beat him in the main event of Cyber Carnage IV, “The King of Harts” Aric Hart. Aric Hart makes his way down to the ring and he walks up the steps and enters the ring/cage through the doorway. Inside the ring/cage, “The King of Harts” unstraps his Gold from his waist and stand sin front
of “The Icon, “Big” Ben Little: This match is personal, and it is Gladiator/Aric Hart Part 4. Aric and Glad are face-to-face, eye-to-eye, as Aric hands his Belt over to referee Red Hairing, who holds the Gold up, signifying that this match is for the Title. Owen Nelson: There is so much on the line in this match. Red walks over to the doorway and hands the Gold Belt out to referee Bob Spano, who then closes the cage door as Red signals for the bell from inside the ring/cage. BELL RINGS!!! “Big” Ben Little: Let’s do it. In the ring/cage, Aric Hart and Gladiator begin to circle the ring before coming together in the center, locking it up. Owen Nelson: Its on. And its for the richest prize in the game, the ECFW World Heavyweight Championship. “Big” Ben Little: But its worth so much more than that, Owen. These two have such a history, and whoever leaves Louisville tonight with the Gold could be considered the better of the two. Gladiator gets the upper hand on “The King of Harts,” and he Irish whips him into the ropes. Aric Hart bounces back and ducks an attempted clothesline from The Foundation’s “Icon,” and Gladiator turns around to be reeled and staggered by right fists to the face from the ECFW Champion. The crowd is cheering. Owen Nelson: Aric’s got Gladiator reeling. Aric Hart backs Gladiator into the ropes and then grabs him by his arm and whips him into the opposite side of ropes. Gladiator bounces back to find that Aric Hart has lowered his head too early, and “The Icon” takes advantage by clubbing Hart across the back. Aric stands straight, arching his back in pain, and Gladiator takes him to the mat with a clothesline. “Big” Ben Little: Gladiator got Aric there. Aric Hart gets back up, holding his head in pain, and Gladiator grabs him by the head and tries to throw Hart into the side of the Steel Cage, but Aric stops himself and turns, knocking Gladiator down with a hard clothesline! Owen Nelson: That was close for the Champion, who saved himself from being thrown into that Steel, which will tear flesh and break bone. Gladiator gets back up to his feet and Aric Hart immediately starts punching him in the face again. “The Icon” finally digs his knee into the abdomen of “The Legendary” Hall-of-Famer, and Gladiator then delivers a vertical suplex on Aric Hart! “Big” Ben Little: A beautiful suplex by Gladiator. Gladiator turns over and covers Aric Hart, hooking the outer leg…1...2...Aric Hart gets his shoulder up before the referee’s count of three! Owen Nelson: Aric Hart gets the shoulder up here in the early-going. Gladiator gets up, bringing the ECFW Champion Aric Hart up with him. “The Icon” punches Aric in the face a couple times before whipping him into the corner. In the corner, Gladiator starts kicking Aric Hart in his chest before Aric slumps down into the corner, in a sitting position. Gladiator then begins to choke Aric Hart with his boot in the corner. “Big” Ben Little: Gladiator is choking Aric Hart, and in this Steel Cage Match, there are NO disqualifications. There’s nothing the referee can do. Aric Hart is choking and Gladiator finally releases his boot from Hart’s throat and Gladiator gives Aric a stiff kick right to the face. Gladiator pulls Aric Hart up out of the corner and he brings him back to the center of the squared circle with another vertical suplex, Aric’s back bouncing off the canvas. Owen Nelson: Another picture-perfect suplex by the Hall-of-Famer, Gladiator. Gladiator gets up and drops his elbow into the heart of the Champion, and he then makes another cover…1...2...Aric Hart kicks out! “Big” Ben Little: Still not enough. Gladiator brings Aric Hart back up again and he tries to throw Hart into the cage, but Aric sidesteps Gladiator and Aric Hart throws Gladiator face-first into the Steel Cage wall! Crowd: Oh! Owen Nelson: Oh, man! “The King of Harts” reversed “The Icon’s” momentum and he sent the challenger face-first into the cage! Gladiator is staggering and Aric Hart comes over, takes him by the head, and slams Glad’s face into the side of the cage over and over and over again. The crowd is cheering. “Big” Ben Little: Look at this! This is sick! Aric Hart then takes Gladiator’s face and he rakes it against the steel, and he finally releases “The Icon,” who falls back onto the mat and is now a bloody mess, his face completely covered with his own blood! Crowd cheers upon sight of the blood. Owen Nelson: Gladiator is busted open and these people here in Freedom Hall are loving it! Aric Hart looks down at his bloody foe and a smile comes across his face. “Big” Ben Little: And our sick and twisted ECFW Champion likes what he sees as well. Sicko. Gladiator is on his hands and knees, blood dripping off his face onto the mat, and he is trying to crawl to the ropes, but “The King of Harts” reaches down and grabs him by his tights and pulls him up again and throws him face-first into the steel cage once again! Crowd cheers Owen Nelson: Aric Hart has taken the driver’s seat of this bloody Championship Match, and Gladiator is in trouble. The bloody “Icon” is on one knee on the mat and Aric Hart grabs him again and walks him over to the side of the cage and he smashes Glad’s crimson face into the steel mesh and he rakes Glad’s face into the cage. “Big” Ben Little: The Champion is just punishing the challenger now. Aric Hart finally releases Gladiator and he falls to his knees on the mat, and he looks up at Aric Hart and puts his hands together, pleading for the 2-Time ECFW Champion to have some mercy. Owen Nelson: Gladiator is begging Aric Hart for some forgiveness. Gladiator is pleading with “The King of Harts,” who simply laughs and reaches down to grab “The Icon” once again but Gladiator suddenly low blows Aric Hart! Crowd: Oh! “Big” Ben Little: Oh! Yes! Gladiator baited Aric Hart in and got him with that low blow, which is perfectly legal in this match. The crowd is booing as Aric Hart falls to his knees, holding his groin in pain. Gladiator uses the ropes to stand himself up, and he wipes some blood from his eyes and then kicks Aric Hart hard in the side of the head, knocking Hart down on his back. Owen Nelson: And just like that, Gladiator is back in control. Gladiator pulls Aric Hart up to his feet and he talks some trash in his face and then runs with Hart and throws him face-first into the steel cage! Crowd: Oh! “Big” Ben Little: And now the Champion gets to eat some of that hard steel that has busted Gladiator open. Aric Hart is staggering and “The Icon” picks Aric Hart up and hoists him up onto his shoulder, and Gladiator then runs and rams Hart’s face into the steel cage, Aric falling off Gladiator’s shoulder and down to the mat, and he is now cut wide open on his forehead. Crowd: Oh! Owen Nelson: Oh. And after that, Aric Hart is now bleeding as well. This is getting graphic. Gladiator gets down and he uses his hands and fingers to tear into Hart’s open wound. “Big” Ben Little: Look at Gladiator, like a savage animal, he is tearing into that open wound on the head of the ECFW World Heavyweight Champion. Gladiator gets up and he brings the bloody Champion up with him, and Gladiator sticks his middle finger in front of Aric’s glazed eyes, and Gladiator then kicks Hart in the mid-section and sets him up for the Union Jack, but Aric Hart reverses Gladiator into a BACK BODY DROP INTO THE CAGE WALL!!! Crowd: Oohh! Owen Nelson: Oh, what a counter! Aric Hart just reversed the Union Jack and sent Gladiator back-first into the cage! Man. Gladiator is on his head on the mat, against the cage, as Aric Hart drops to one knee and takes a moment to regain his composure. “Big” Ben Little: What a match this is. Aric Hart stands straight and he looks down at his bloody foe, and Aric Hart steps over Gladiator’s body and begins to climb the cage. Owen Nelson: And now the first attempt to climb out of the cage is being attempted by the Champion, Mr. Aric Hart. Aric Hart is climbing the cage, step by step, as blood drips from his face down to the mat below. “Big” Ben Little: Get up, Gladiator! Aric Hart makes it about ¾ up the cage, when Gladiator is back up and he gets underneath Aric’s legs and pulls Hart down with a POWERBOMB OFF THE SIDE OF THE CAGE! Crowd: Oohh! Owen Nelson: Oh, man! What impact! That’ll bring anybody down. Aric Hart is withering around in pain on the blood-stained canvas, as Gladiator drops down and makes the cover...1...2...Aric Hart gets his shoulder up! “Big” Ben Little: Ah, c’mon, ref! That should have been three right there. Now that the pin cover has failed, Gladiator gets up, turned around, and begins to climb up the cage. Owen Nelson: “The Icon” is going to try and escape the cage. Gladiator is climbing up the cage, and he is doing it step by step. “Big” Ben Little: I think Gladiator may have won this thing, Owen. Gladiator is about ¾ up the cage wall when Aric Hart is back up, holding his back in pain. Owen Nelson: Aric is up, and Gladiator better hurry! At the top of the cage, Gladiator swings his leg over the top of the cage, straddling the top, and this Is as Aric Hart begins to climb up the cage after his arch nemesis. The sold-out crowd is on their feet. Gladiator is about to start his climb down on the other side of the cage, when Aric Hart reaches the top of the cage and he grabs Gladiator by his hair to prevent him from climbing down the other side. “Big” Ben Little: They’re both up there! Both men are now up on the top of the cage wall, facing each other, with one leg on each side of the cage (straddling it). Gladiator punches Aric Hart in the face, and Hart retaliates with a right of his own to the bloody face of “The Icon.” Owen Nelson: Both of these bloody warriors on the top of this 15-foot-high steel cage, knocking the hell out of each other. This is dangerous… Gladiator and Aric Hart are exchanging blows to the face on the top of the cage, when “The King of Harts” finally gains the advantage and he hammers Gladiator with some hard rights, dazing “The Icon.” Aric Hart then sets Gladiator up and Aric stands on the top of the inside of the cage and he executes the SUPERPLEX OFF THE TOP OF THE CAGE 15 FEET BELOW TO THE CANVAS!!! Crowd: Ooohhh! “Big” Ben Little: Jesus Christ! Crowd: HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! Etc. Owen Nelson: My God, that was unbelievable! The crowd is still chanting as both Gladiator and Aric Hart lie down and out on their backs, motionless, on the mat. “Big” Ben Little: Aric Hart just Superplexed Gladiator off the top of the cage, and I don’t see either one of these two guys getting up anytime soon after that. A replay is shown. Owen Nelson: Man. A few moments have passed by, and the audience begins to settle down a bit. “Big” Ben Little: If one of these guys could just make the cover on the other, they could leave Louisville with the Gold. A few moments go by, and Aric Hart finally manages to slowly roll over onto his stomach, and he reaches up and drops his arm across the chest of the motionless “Icon.”…1...2...Gladiator just barely kicks out in time! The crowd “Ooohhh”’s in how close the near fall was. Owen Nelson: How in the hell did Gladiator kick out after that?! The crowd is shocked and a moment later, Aric Hart crawls over to the ropes and uses them to pull himself up to his feet, in clear pain. “Big” Ben Little: Gladiator did not come to Freedom Hall tonight to leave empty-handed. Aric Hart staggers around a bit before reaching down and trying to pull Gladiator up to his feet but Gladiator suddenly pulls Aric Hart in and rolls him up into a small package pin!…1...2...Aric Hart just barely kicks out in time! The crowd “Ooohhh”’s in how close the near fall was. Owen Nelson: Gladiator almost got a quick victory right there, Ben. Both men move up to their feet and Aric Hart goes for a clothesline but “The Icon” ducks and hit’s a neckbreaker from behind the Champion. Gladiator gets up and stumbles over to the cage door, and he yells at referee Bob Spano (outside the cage) to “open the fucking door!” “Big” Ben Little: Gladiator wants to leave this thing right here, right now. Bob Spano unlocks the cage door and Gladiator steps through the ropes and walks out onto the ring steps at ringside, but before he can make it out to the floor, Aric Hart is up and he grabs Gladiator by his hair from inside the ring/cage, and he starts to pull Gladiator back inside the ring, but Gladiator is trying to fight back and he reaches over and grabs a steel chair that was sitting next to the cage, and he brings it into the ring/cage with him. Referee Bob Spano closes the door and locks it again. Owen Nelson: They’re back inside the cage, but Gladiator’s got a chair. Inside the ring/cage, Aric Hart spins Gladiator around (unaware of the chair) and Gladiator surprises Hart…WHACK! “The Icon” swings the steel chair across the bloody face of “The King of Harts,” knocking Aric Hart down and out, and cutting open his head even more. Crowd: Oohh! “Big” Ben Little: Good Lord, what a chair shot! Gladiator drops the chair, drops to his knees, and covers the motionless ECFW Champion…1...2...Aric Hart kicks out! Crowd cheers Owen Nelson: But somehow, someway, “The King of Harts” still manages to kick out before three. The bloody “Icon” is shocked and he stands up and starts yelling at referee Red Hairing. “Big” Ben Little: Gladiator should be the first-ever 4-Time ECFW Champion right now, damnit! Gladiator yells in anger and frustration and he turns back around and picks up the chair again, and he yells at Aric Hart to “get up!” Owen Nelson: Gladiator is just stalking the Champion now. A few moments later, the bloody Aric Hart manages to stagger up to his feet, holding his bloody head in pain. Gladiator has the chair cocked and ready as Aric Hart turns around, and “The Icon” swings the chair for Hart’s face but Aric ducks, kicks Gladiator in the gut, and drops Gladiator with the HEART OF HARTS! Crowd erupts! “Big” Ben Little: What the hell! How did that happen?! The crowd is cheering as both men lie down and out on the mat, the chair next to Gladiator’s body, both men a bloody mess. Owen Nelson: Aric Hart somehow managed to duck the chair shot and drop “The Icon” with the Heart of Harts, and this thing could be over if Aric can just make the cover or escape the cage. A few moments pass by before Aric Hart finally manages to crawl over and drop down on top of the bloody, motionless “Icon.”…1...2...Gladiator just barely gets the shoulder up in time! The crowd “Ooohhh”’s in how close the near fall was. “Big” Ben Little: God, that was close! Aric Hart crawls over to the ropes and uses them to pull himself up to his feet. Owen Nelson: Gladiator kicked out of the Heart of Harts, and the Champion may be running out of ideas here. Aric Hart wipes the blood from his eyes and he looks down at Gladiator and then up at the cage, and he begins to climb the cage wall once again. “Big” Ben Little: Aric Hart is going to try and escape. Aric Hart is climbing up the cage, as Gladiator struggles on the canvas. Owen Nelson: Aric Hart is making good time, I think. The bloody “King of Harts” makes it to the top of the cage, and he is trying to stand, but Gladiator jumps up from the ring and grabs hold of Hart’s leg, preventing Aric from climbing out to ringside. “Big” Ben Little: A desperate Gladiator has got Aric’s leg! Gladiator then climbs up behind Aric Hart and Gladiator makes it to the top of the cage but Aric suddenly fights back and he pokes Gladiator in the eyes. Aric Hart then bends Gladiator down and sticks his head in-between his legs, setting Glad up for the Heart of Harts off the top of the cage. The sold-out crowd stands to their feet. Owen Nelson: Oh my God…Aric, this is too much! Aric Hart is about to jump off for the Heart of Harts, but Gladiator suddenly reverses Hart into a BACKBODY DROP OFF THE TOP OF THE CAGE 15 FEET BELOW TO THE CANVAS!!! Crowd: Ooohhh! “Big” Ben Little: Oh my God! Crowd: HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! Etc. Owen Nelson: Now that’s a counter for you! A backbody drop off the top of the cage all the way down to the canvas 15 feet below. Man. Aric Hart is down and out on his back on the mat, and Gladiator is still at the top of the cage, standing, and he loses his balance and falls on the top of the cage, straddling it! Crowd: Oh! “Big” Ben Little: Oh! Ouch! Gladiator’s face looks like he just sucked a lemon, and he falls over and falls from the top of the cage and crashes down on the mat beside the bloody “King of Harts.” Owen Nelson: Gladiator lost his balance at the top of the cage, and he just fell back down to the mat, and now both of these Hall-of-Famers are down and out. Both men are down and out, Aric motionless, and Gladiator squirming in pain, holding his groin. “Big” Ben Little: I can’t imagine how either one of these guys are going to keep going after all we have seen so far. A few moments later, the bloody “Icon” uses the ropes to pull himself up to his feet, walking awkwardly as he is still feeling the pain. Owen Nelson: Gladiator is up. Gladiator limps over to the cage door and Bob Spano opens it from the outside, and Gladiator steps through the ropes and is about to go out to the floor to win the match and the Title. “Big” Ben Little: Gladiator’s gonna do it, Owen! Gladiator is about to step down from the ring steps when a desperate Aric Hart leaps forward inside the cage and grabs Gladiator by his hair and pulls him back and punches him in the head to daze him, and Aric then pulls Gladiator back into the cage and throws “The Icon” face-first into the steel cage wall (referee Bob Spano closes the cage door again)! Crowd cheers Owen Nelson: Amazing. Aric Hart makes the save once again, and sends Gladiator right back into the steel. Gladiator is up again and he is staggering, blood dripping off his face, and he walks right into Aric Hart who kicks him in the stomach and sets him up for a second Heart of Harts, but Gladiator reverses Hart into a double leg pickup and Gladiator catapults Aric face-first into the steel cage! Crowd: Oh! “Big” Ben Little: He reversed it! Aric Hart staggers back and walks right into a kick to the gut followed by the UNION JACK BY GLADIATOR!!! Crowd boos Owen Nelson: Union Jack! Its all over! Gladiator covers Aric Hart, hooking the outer leg…1...2...Aric Hart just barely kicks out in time! Crowd erupts! “Big” Ben Little: No way! This ref can’t count to three! Gladiator can’t believe it and he buries his bloody face into his hands with disbelief, and then slams his fist on the mat in frustration. Owen Nelson: Aric Hart kicked out of the Union Jack, which is something you do NOT see everyday, and as much as I can’t believe I am saying this, the match will continue. Gladiator stumbles up to his feet and he grabs the referee and yells “That was three, damnit!” in Red Hairing’s face, but Red shakes his head and replies, “it was two, Glad.” “Big” Ben Little: Get a ref who can actually count to three out here. Gladiator cusses at the ref and then turns around and puts his hand son his hips as he looks down at the unconscious Aric Hart. Owen Nelson: I think Gladiator is just trying to think about what he can do now to beat “The King of Harts.” Gladiator finally steps over Aric Hart’s bloody carcass and he begins to climb up the cage. “Big” Ben Little: Gladiator’s climbing back up the cage. The crowd is booing as “The Icon” makes it near the top of the cage, and he looks back down at Aric Hart on the mat. Gladiator pulls himself up to the top, but instead of hooking his leg over to the other side, he stands on the top of the cage, hanging on to the wire to keep his balance. The sold-out audience stand to their feet. Owen Nelson: What in the hell is Gladiator doing??? Gladiator looks down at Aric Hart, who has yet to move since being hit with the Union Jack. Gladiator then looks around at the huge, sold-out audience, and then back down at the ECFW Champion. “Big” Ben Little: Gladiator, don’t do something stupid! Just climb down the cage and get the Title. Gladiator takes a deep breath and he DIVES OFF THE TOP OF THE CAGE FOR A DIVING ELBOW DROP BUT ARIC HART ROLLS OUT OF THE WAY AND GLADIATOR CRASHES DOWN BACK/ELBOW-FIRST ON THE CANVAS 15 FEET BELOW!!! Crowd: OOOHHH!!! Owen Nelson: Good God Almighty! Crowd: HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! Etc. “Big” Ben Little: Why did you do that, Icon?! The crowd continues, “HOLY CRAP!” Owen Nelson: Gladiator just went for it all and got nothing! He dove off the top of the cage 15 feet below, Aric Hart moved, and “The Icon” crashed and burned on that concrete-hard canvas. The referee stands shocked as he looks down at the motionless Gladiator. Meanwhile, Aric Hart is moving, and he is on his hands and knees, slowly crawling over to the cage door. “Big” Ben Little: Gladiator ain’t getting up anytime soon thanks to that stupid move, and now Aric Hart is heading for the door. “The Legendary” Aric Hart is crawling, and the crowd is on their feet, cheering their Champion on. Owen Nelson: Gladiator made a big, big mistake, and Aric Hart is about to capitalize on it and leave Buried Alive 2006 still the ECFW World Heavyweight Champion. Referee Bob Spano opens the cage door from ringside, and Aric Hart is almost there. “The King of Harts” makes it to the doorway, Gladiator still yet to move a muscle. “Big” Ben Little: I can’t believe Aric Hart is about to win this damn thing, not this way. Aric Hart has made it and he begins to crawl through the ropes and out the doorway when KURT EVANS runs down to ringside and pushes Bob Spano to the ground, grabs the cage door, and swings it…WHACK! Right into Aric Hart’s face, knocking him back into the cage/ring! Crowd: Oohh! Owen Nelson: Oh, c’mon! Damnit! The crowd is now booing like crazy as Kurt Evans smiles. “Big” Ben Little: Yes! The General Manager, Kurt Evans, just swung that steel cage door into the head of Aric Hart, and now Gladiator still has a chance! Crowd: YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK! Etc. Owen Nelson: Louisville, Kentucky is letting our General Manager know how they feel about him just costing Aric Hart this match. Kurt Evans begins to yell for Gladiator to get up, and calling for him to make it to the door. A few moments later, Gladiator begins to show some signs of life and he starts to crawl over to the doorway, where Kurt Evans is cheering him on. The crowd is booing like crazy. “Big” Ben Little: C’mon, Glad! Crawl your way to your record-setting 4th ECFW Championship! Gladiator is crawling and he is almost there, when he is suddenly grabbed by his tights and pulled to his feet by Aric Hart, who then knocks “The Icon” back down with a right punch to the face. The crowd’s boos turn into cheers. Owen Nelson: Not just yet! Aric Hart is back up and he’s still in this thing to defend his Title! Kurt Evans is clearly upset and he kneels down at ringside and reaches underneath the ring, pulling out Gladiator’s trusty Sledge Hammer! “Big” Ben Little: Hey, look at Kurt. He’s got Gladiator’s Sledge Hammer! In the ring/cage, Aric Hart is stomping on the downed Gladiator, as Kurt Evans steps up the ring steps and enters the ring/cage through the doorway, Sledge Hammer in-hand. Owen Nelson: The General Manager is in the ring and he’s got the Sledge Hammer. In the ring/cage, Kurt Evans is about to nail Aric Hart from behind with the Hammer, when “The Legendary” ECFW Champion suddenly turns around and knocks the GM off his feet with a right to the face! Crowd cheers “Big” Ben Little: No! This is not working out the way it is supposed to! Kurt and Glad are both down, and Aric Hart gets down and starts punching the hell out of Kurt Evans, when KYVE HART runs down to the ring! Crowd boos Owen Nelson: Here comes a member of The Foundation, the brother of the ECFW Champion, Kyve Hart, to help out his stablemates! Aric Hart doesn’t realize his brother is there, as Kyve enters the cage/ring through the door and picks up the Sledge Hammer that his leader Kurt Evans brought into the ring/cage. “Big” Ben Little: Kyve Hart has cost his brother the Title before against Gladiator, and he is about to do it again…knock his head off, Kyve! Aric Hart gets up off of Kurt Evans and he turns around to find his evil brother about to hit him in the head with the Sledge Hammer. Owen Nelson: Aric sees him. Kyve and Aric are now standing face-to-face, eye-to-eye, Kyve holding the Sledge Hammer. Gladiator is slowly making his way back up to his feet. “Big” Ben Little: Hurry, knock him out, Kyve! The two brothers are eyeing each other down, when Kyve Hart suddenly turns and KYVE KNOCKS OUT GLADIATOR WITH THE SLEDGE HAMMER!!! The shocked crowd: Ooohhh! Owen Nelson: What in the hell! What did Kyve Hart just do?! The crowd is absolutely shocked as Gladiator is now unconscious, a bloody mess, on the mat. Kyve Hart looks down at his fallen leader who he just knocked out, and Kyve looks back up and locks eyes with his brother once again, and the two Hart brothers smile and laugh. The crowd doesn’t know what to think. “Big” Ben Little: I can’t believe I am saying this, but I think Kyve Hart has just turned on The Foundation! Kurt Evans is back up, holding his head in pain, and he looks at Gladiator out cold, and then up at Kyve and Aric, very confused. Kurt asks Kyve what is going on and sees the Hammer in his hands. Owen Nelson: What is going to happen here??? Kyve Hart shrugs at Kurt, and then Aric Hart suddenly kicks Kurt in the gut and drops him with the HEART OF HARTS! “Big” Ben Little: Aric Hart just dropped the General Manager with the Heart of Harts, and Kyve let him. What in the hell is going on around here? Aric gets back up and Kyve gives him some instructions. Aric nods and gets down and makes the cover on the motionless Gladiator, as Kyve yells at the shocked referee to get down and count the fall…1...2...Gladiator just barely gets his shoulder up in time! The crowd “Ooohhh”’s in how close the near fall was. Owen Nelson: Oh my God! Gladiator just kicked out! Everyone in the arena is completely shocked. Aric Hart gets up and yells in frustration and anger and Kyve looks around, wondering what to do. “Big” Ben Little: I am so confused, and now even more shocked than I already was, because Gladiator just kicked out of a Sledge Hammer-shot from his own friend, Kyve Hart! Aric is clearly upset, and Kyve Hart finally hands “The King of Harts” the Sledge Hammer. Kyve then drags the lifeless Gladiator up to his feet and holds him in place, while Aric Hart swings the Sledge Hammer and WHAM! Aric Hart nails Gladiator right between the eyes with the Sledge Hammer, knocking Gladiator out of Kyve’s hands and he collapses back down the blood-stained canvas. Crowd: Oohh! Owen Nelson: God! Another Sledge Hammer shot, and this time Kyve Hart held his own stable leader Gladiator in place. Aric Hart is about to get back down and cover Gladiator again, but Kyve stops him and tells him, “hang on.” “Big” Ben Little: But wait…Kyve doesn’t want his brother to cover Gladiator just yet. Aric is confused as Kyve Hart pulls the lifeless “Icon” up again and he tells Aric an order, and Aric smiles and nods as Kyve pushes Gladiator forward into a kick to the gut and then the HEART OF HARTS BY ARIC HART!!! The crowd is sending out mixed reactions by this time. Owen Nelson: There’s the Heart of Harts. The explanation point, perhaps. Gladiator is completely limp and lifeless as Aric Hart covers him and Kyve Hart yells at the ref to “count!”…1...2...3! BELL RINGS!!! “Big” Ben Little: In the most shocking way I could ever think of, this match is over. Sam Jenkans: Here is your winner and still your ECFW World Heavyweight Champion, Aric Hart! The crowd has a mixed reaction. Owen Nelson: Thanks to his brother Kyve Hart and his turn against his own Foundation of Success, Aric Hart has successfully retained his ECFW Championship here tonight at Buried Alive. Kyve helps his brother Aric up to his feet and Aric, his face covered with blood, hugs his brother, half the crowd booing, the other half shocked. “Big” Ben Little: These people don’t know what to think, Owen. It was one year ago at this very event that Kyve Hart buried his brother Aric alive, and now, one year later, he has helped him beat his friend, Gladiator. I am shocked. Absolutely shocked. Aric and Kyve Hart hug as the steel cage begins to raise back up to the ceiling. Referee Red Hairing hands the ECFW Championship Title Belt to Aric Hart and then raises his arm in victory as Kyve raises Aric’s other arm. Owen Nelson: In the most shocking turn of events imaginable, Kyve Hart and Aric Hart have aligned for the first time in ECFW history, and Kyve Hart has, for whatever reason, turned his back on The Foundation of Success. “Big” Ben Little: I think its safe to say that The Foundation of Success is no more. Kyve and Aric hug again, the crowd shocked and sending out a mixed reaction, as Kyve and Aric raise each other’s arms in victory, Aric holding the ECFW Title up high with his free hand. Owen Nelson: The man who has screwed his brother over so many times in the last year has now helped that same brother screw over his own friend, and now, as shocking and unbelievable as it seems, I think the Hart brothers are together. Gladiator and Kurt Evans are both down and out on the mat, as Aric and Kyve Hart stand over their limp bodies, raising each other’s arms up high. “Big” Ben Little: Things will never be the same. Show Ends. Extreme Championship Fatal Wrestling
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