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“Hell.” (Shows fire burning) “Eternal suffering.” (Shows more shots of fire as people screaming in agony can now be heard) “Never-ending torture.” (Shows fire consuming different things) “Hell takes place…” (Shows more images) “TONIGHT.” (An explosion can be heard as an image of the Hell in the Cell blasts onto the screen) “Tonight two men will go to hell and back, and they’ll be fueled by hatred and passion.” (Shows J.R. Rose, and then Ceven Gordon) “Tonight, two men will go through the unbearable pain and misery of the depths of hell.” (Shows J.R. Rose screaming, a bloody mess; then the same with Ceven Gordon) “One man leaves the loser.” (Shows J.R. Rose down and out on the mat, and then Ceven in the same position) “One man leaves Champion.” (Shows J.R. Rose holding up the ECFW Championship as Ceven Gordon looks on from the ramp way) “Tonight…” (Shows the American Airlines Arena) “You will bare-witness the horror that is…” (Shows J.R. Rose and Ceven Gordon face-to-face, eye-to-eye) “HELL IN THE CELL.” (Shows another shot of the Hell in a Cell, and then the word “AGGRESSION” fades into view) (All goes black) We are now inside the arena where pyros are shooting off into the air and the crowd is going crazy! Owen Nelson: Its been a long time coming, but the fourth annual “Aggression” is finally here! I’m Owen Nelson… “Big” Ben Little: …And I’m “Big” Ben Little… Owen Nelson: …And we are LIVE and absolutely sold-out from the American Airlines Arena in Miami, Florida on what is sure to be a brutal, bloody, violent, and amazing night we’ll never forget! Because right here live and sold-out tonight from Miami, we will see something we have not seen for a full 12 months, and that is the most violent and dangerous match known to man… (The camera gets a shot of the Hell in a Cell, which hangs high above the ring) “Big” Ben Little: …Hell in a Cell! J.R. Rose defends the ECFW Championship against his arch rival, Ceven Gordon, right here tonight inside the infamous Hell in the Cell. Who will survive Hell tonight in Miami? Owen Nelson: But that’s not all. Because also tonight at Aggression 2007, the return of “The Icon!” Gladiator returns here tonight at Aggression as he accompanied “The MVP” Stephan Silverstone to the ring as Silverstone challenges Sam Wilde, the man who ran him down on August 1st, 2006, for the ECFW Intercontinental Championship, with the man that last defeated Gladiator this past August, Kyve Hart, in Sam’s corner. There’s no telling what chaos could happen in this historic matchup! “Big” Ben Little: Plus, the ECFW Tag Team Titles, and the Women’s Title are both on the line here tonight live from Miami as well! Owen Nelson: Tonight is going to be one hell of a night, and let’s kick Aggression 2007 off with a huge Triple Threat Tag Team Match! “Big” Ben Little: Here we go, baby!… TRIPLE THREAT TAG TEAM MATCH Sam Jenkans - This match is a three way tag match. On their way to the ring at this time, Assassin and Slade Craven, together known as A.K.A.!!! [Assassin and Slade Craven, collectively known as A.K.A., walk down to the ring. ] Sam Jenkans - The second team in this contest is Jack & Coke! [Jack and Coke's music begins to play as they make their way down to the ring.] Sam Jenkans - And their final opponents, ECFW Hall-of-Famers, Tiny Tim and Wasted Youth…Sudden Impact! [Sudden Impact's music hits as the legendary duo of Tiny Tim and Wasted Youth make their way to the ring.] [(Ding, ding, ding) They lockup. Tiny Tim sends Slade "Main Man" Craven to the corner of the ring. Slade "Main
Man" Craven makes the tag to Assassin. Slade Craven gives Tiny Tim the cobra clutch suplex onto the mat. Slade Craven hits
Tiny Tim with a baba chop.] Owen Nelson - They make it back in at 8 and a half. [In the ring, Assassin Irish whips Jack into the ropes. Jack bounces back to find that Assassin has lowered his head too early, and Jack takes advantage with a hard kick to the face of the former 2-Time U.S. Champion! Assassin is staggering, and Jack runs forward to attack but Assassin ducks down and catches Jack in the SPINEBUSTER!] Crowd: Oohh! “Big” Ben Little: Damn, what a Spinebuster there by Assassin. [Assassin stands up and Coke is already in the ring, staggering Assassin with hard right shots to the head and face. Coke then knocks Assassin off his feet with a clothesline. Tiny Tim and Wasted Youth are in the ring, and they team up, taking Coke down with a two-man double clothesline. Tim and Youth turn and Slade “Main Man” Craven is in the ring, taking Tiny Tim down with a running forearm to the face. Slade turns and goes for a clothesline on Wasted Youth, but the former ECFW Champion ducks and hits “The Main Man” with an inverted atomic drop!] Owen Nelson: All six men are going at it in the ring and all hell has broken loose here tonight in Miami! [Slade Craven is then taken down by a Wasted Youth clothesline. Wasted Youth backs up and he backs right into Assassin, who lifts Youth up from behind into the FREE FALL!] “Big” Ben Little: Free Fall! Assassin hit’s the Free Fall on Wasted Youth! [Assassin stands up and Coke is there, kicking Assassin in the gut and dropping him head-first to the canvas with a DDT. Coke stands and Tiny Tim lifts him up from behind for the Shady Slam, but Coke slips down behind The Tiny One and Coke hit’s a back suplex from behind the legendary Hall-of-Famer.] Owen Nelson: Coke counters and hit’s a suplex on the former ECFW Champion, Tiny Tim. [Coke stands up and BAM! CLIQ KICK BY SLADE CRAVEN!!!] Crowd: Oh! “Big” Ben Little: Good God, what a hell of a Cliq Kick there by “The Main Man!” [Coke is down and out, and Slade Craven is suddenly low blowed from behind by Jack!] Crowd boos Owen Nelson: A low blow! Jack low blows Slade Craven, and the referee did not see it. [Jack stands up and he then goes for the Piledriver, but Slade counters and reverses Jack into a back body drop. Jack stands up, holding his back in pain, and Slade Craven goes for the Cliq Kick, but Jack ducks but right after ducking, he walks into a kick to the gut from Tiny Tim, who then lifts Jack up from behind into the SHADY SLAM!] “Big” Ben Little: Jack avoided the Cliq Kick but he couldn’t avoid Tiny Tim’s Shady Slam. [Tiny Tim stands up and immediately he is hit with the CLIQ KICK BY SLADE CRAVEN, knocking Tiny Tim through the ropes and out to ringside!] Crowd: Oh! Owen Nelson: Oh! Another vicious Cliq Kick, this time to the legendary Tiny Tim, knocking The Tiny One to ringside. [Slade Craven turns around and he sees Wasted Youth making his way to his feet, and Craven runs forward and clotheslines Youth over the top rope and out to ringside!] “Big” Ben Little: And now Craven takes Youth out to ringside as well. [Both members of Sudden Impact have been knocked out to ringside, and in the ring, Assassin is back up. Coke is making his way up to his feet, holding his jaw in pain, and Slade Craven grabs Coke as Assassin pulls Jack up to his feet. The two members of A.K.A. whip Jack and Coke right into each other, the two tag team partners bumping heads, as Coke falls over and Jack then walks into the CLIQ KICK BY SLADE CRAVEN, and Jack falls back into the FREE FALL BY ASSASSIN!!!] The crowd, on their feet, is cheering. Owen Nelson: Cliq Kick and Free Fall combo! A.K.A. is dominating! [Jack is down and out, and Assassin covers him as Coke is making his way back up and Slade Craven takes care of Coke, hitting him with the CRAVEN EFFECT as Assassin has Jack pinned…1...2...3!] Bell Rings! “Big” Ben Little: What a match! Sam Jenkans: Here are your winners, A.K.A.! The A.K.A. fans cheer. Assassin stands up and Slade Craven hugs him as the two members of A.K.A. then get their arms raised in victory by the referee. Owen Nelson: What a match, that, quite frankly, A.K.A. dominated. Even at the end of the match, Slade Craven hit Coke with the Craven Effect to prevent Coke from interfering with Assassin’s cover over Jack. Tiny Tim and Wasted Youth are regrouping out at ringside, while in the ring Jack and Coke are both motionless on the mat. Assassin and Slade “Main Man” Craven stand over their victims’ fallen bodies, raising each other’s arms up high as the sold-out audience applauds. “Big” Ben Little: What a win for A.K.A., and what a way to kick off the fourth annual “Aggression” live from Miami. Interview We see a long black limousine pull up in the parking lot. ECFW Reporter John Davis is on the scene, microphone in hand, as he opens the back door of the limo. Out of the limo steps Nick and Kurt Evans, both in suit and tie, and both seemingly in a good mood. The crowd can be heard booing from inside the arena. Owen Nelson: It’s the Owner and the General Manager, whom we haven’t seen since Terror two weeks ago. John Davis: Nick. Kurt. Welcome to the American Airlines Arena. Nick: I assume you want some kind of interview…right, John? Am I right? John Davis: Well… Nick: Neither of us have anything to say to you or any of the people watching, so why don’t you just get out of our way, please. Nick and Kurt are about to walk off but John Davis stops them. John Davis: But wait! Kurt Evans: Didn’t you hear your boss, John? John Davis: But I just need to know one thing…last Tuesday night on Terror we saw The Shocrew find a note in your office saying that you would see them at Aggression…well we’re here at Aggression, what can we expect from you two here tonight? Nick and Kurt look at each other and smile. They look back at John Davis. Kurt Evans: Tonight, Nick and I have our plans. But you need not to concern yourselves with that right now, okay, John? John Davis: But… Nick: …But nothing. Everyone will know what our intentions here tonight at Aggression are in due-time. Kurt and I can do whatever we want, whenever we want, and why? Because we rule the ECFW, and we rule it how we want to rule it. John Davis: So you’re… Kurt Evans: …Just don’t even worry about it, John. In fact, just forget we’re even here, okay? Nick: This interview is over. Nick and Kurt walk off, the limo driver following close behind with their luggage as John Davis sighs. Scene Fades. “Big” Ben Little: The ECFW Owner and General Manager are here tonight at the American Airlines Arena, and we do know that they have something big planned for Aggression here tonight live. Owen Nelson: I am very interested to know what that could be, as I am sure The Shocrew is very interested as well… “Big” Ben Little: Hopefully we’ll find out later tonight, but coming up next, a match I am looking forward to…the ECFW Women’s Championship is on the line in a Fatal Four-Way Elimination Match as four of the ECFW’s premiere divas try to prove they deserve the prestigious Gold. Owen Nelson: Who will leave Miami, Florida with the ECFW Women’s Championship in their possession? “Big” Ben Little: Let’s find out… FATAL FOUR-WAY ELIMINATION MATCH- KRISTEN HART VS. KITTEN CHARRINGTON VS. ALEXIS KNIGHT Sam Jenkans: The following match is a four way elimination match for the ECFW Women's title. Elimination will occur by pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification, until one diva is left and that one diva will win the match and the Women’s Title. "Headstrong" by Trapt comes over the PA as Alexis Knight walks out to the ramp Sam Jenkans: Making her way to the ring first, hailing from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada… Alexis Knight!! Knight walks down the ramp to a nice ovation from the crowd. Knight climbs into the ring taking a quick moment to pose before her music stops Sam Jenkans: And her opponent making her way to the ring from London, England… Kitten Charrington!! "Celebrity Skin" by Hole comes over the PA as we see Charrington walking down the ramp to a loud ovation of boos from the crowd. Charrington climbs into the ring looking at Knight as they wait for there other opponents Sam Jenkans: And introducing opponent number three. Hailing from Calgary, Alberta, Canada… Kristen Hart!!!! "All the Things She Said" by T.A.T.U. comes over the PA as Kristen comes out to the ring to the cheers of the crowd. Kristen stares down the ramp towards the ring where her other opponents are standing as we see Kristen step into the ring now awaiting the champion Sam Jenkans: And now making her way to the ring. She is the current ECFW Women's champion hailing from Detroit, Michigan, a member of Heaven Sent… Diamond!!! "Rev 22:20" by Puscifier comes over the PA as we see Diamond walk out to the ramp with the title belt over her shoulder. Diamond holds the belt high in the air as the crowd boos her. Diamond then makes her way down the ramp towards the ring where her three opponents are waiting. Diamond climbs into the ring handing Matthew Rice the title belt which he holds up in the air as the bell sounds The bell sounds as all four ladies circle the ring Matthew Rice instructs two of them to leave the ring leaving Diamond & Alexis in the ring to start the match. They both lock up as Diamond backs Knight into the ropes but Knight quickly counters putting Diamond on the ropes as she connects with a hard chop to the chest getting the crowds attention early on Owen Nelson: Alexis lights up the champion with a chop and woke up this crowd as well. Knight fires off another chop before whipping Diamond into the ropes Alexis drops her head for a backdrop but Diamond puts on the breaks clubbing her with a forearm to the back that puts Knight down on her knees. Diamond pulls Knight to her feet and executes a butterfly suplex sending Knight across the ring right in front of Kristen. Diamond turns into a dropkick from Kristen knocking down the champion Kristen hits another dropkick knocking down the champion a second time as she rolls out to the floor as we hear the crowd cheering. Owen Nelson: I think Diamond was caught off guard by those dropkicks from Kristen Hart. Ben Little: Of course she was, Owen. Diamond climbs back into the ring as Kristen catches her with a knee to the gut before whipping her into the corner. Kristen pauses for a moment before charging into the corner at Diamond but Diamond avoids the splash as Kristen hits the corner chest first as Kitten tags Diamond before climbing into the ring Matthew Rice tells Diamond she must leave as Kitten goes after Kristen splashing her in the corner. Kitten follows up with chops to the chest of Kristen before finally sending her to the other side of the ring. Kitten takes a moment before charging at Kristen whose in the corner and just as Kitten nails Kristen with a splash she climbs into the ring grabbing Kitten from behind as she backs away from the corner Knight drops Kitten with a bulldog before making the cover 1..2.. Kitten kicks out Knight gets to her feet waiting for Kitten to do the same Kitten does get to her feet as Knight kicks Kitten in the gut as she goes for the LexiDT but Kitten counters with a knee before driving Knight into the corner where Kitten & Diamond double team Knight in the corner as Kitten makes the tag to Diamond who climbs into the ring placing Knight on the top rope as she climbs up as well. Diamond hooks Alexis for a Superplex but Knight fights her off knocking Diamond down to the mat as Knight gathers her balance before coming off the top rope connecting with a diving elbow drop on Diamond. She makes the cover as Matthew Rice makes the count 1..2.. Diamond kicks out. Owen Nelson: Diamond kicks out at two. Alexis looks at Rice who tells her it was only a two count as Knight picks up Diamond looking to hit the LexiDT to finish off Diamond. As Knight hooks Diamond for the move Diamond drives Knight into the corner. Kitten Charrington joins Diamond and the two double team Knight in the corner. Kristen comes charging from the other side of the ring as she jumps on Diamond tossing her down to the mat as the two fight it out on the mat. Ben Little: Wow! Meanwhile, Kitten grabs Alexis and Kitten goes for the Cat Scratch Fever but Alexis counters and hit’s the back suplex on Kitten Charrington. Alexis Knight stands up and Kristen Hart catches Knight with a kick to the stomach and then drops her with the DOWN TO EARTH! Crowd reaction is mixed. Owen Nelson: Oh, man! Kristen Hart surprises Alexis Knight with the Down to Earth. Kristen Hart stands up and she is immediately rolled up from behind into the schoolboy pin by Diamond…1...2...3! “Big” Ben Little: Kristen’s gone! Sam Jenkans: KRISTEN HART HAS BEEN ELIMINATED! Crowd boos Owen Nelson: What a tough break for Kristen Hart. She took Alexis Knight out with the Down to Earth, but then got rolled up and she is the first one eliminated. Kristen Hart sits up, shocked and pissed as the referee tells her she needs to go to the back. Kristen Hart slams her fist on the mat with frustration before standing and arguing with the referee for a moment. “Big” Ben Little: Bye-bye, Kristen. We’re down to three, Owen. Kristen Hart reluctantly leaves the ring, as Diamond crawls over and tries to cover Alexis Knight, who is still down from Kristen Hart’s Down to Earth…1...2...Alexis Knight gets her shoulder up off the canvas! Crowd cheers Owen Nelson: Alexis gets the shoulder up at two! Diamond stands and she signals for the end. Diamond then runs and springboards off the middle rope, coming back for the Crystal Mist, but Alexis rolls out of the way and Diamond crashes down hard on the canvas! “Big” Ben Little: Alexis moved! Diamond stands up, holding her backside in pain, and Alexis Knight kicks Diamond in the mid-section and sets her up for the LexiDT, but before she can hit it, Alexis Knight is suddenly rolled up from behind by Kitten Charrington into the schoolboy pin!…1...2...Alexis Knight barely kicks out in time! The crowd “Ooohhh”’s in how close the near fall was. Owen Nelson: Whew! Close call for Alexis Knight. Alexis Knight jumps to her feet and she goes for a quick clothesline on Kitten but Kitten ducks and goes for the Cat Scratch Fever but Alexis again counters, this time standing strong as Kitten’s own momentum takes her down to the mat. Kitten Charrington stands up and she is kicked in the gut and then it with the LEXIDT BY ALEXIS KNIGHT!!! Crowd cheers “Big” Ben Little: Not the LexiDT!… Alexis Knight covers Kitten Charrington, hooking the outer leg…1...2...3! Owen Nelson: Kitten’s gone! Sam Jenkans: KITTEN CHARRINGTON HAS BEEN ELIMINATED! Crowd cheers again “Big” Ben Little: Damnit! This wasn’t supposed to happen. Alexis Knight stands up and she is immediately taken down with a clothesline from Diamond. Alexis Knight stands up again, holding the back of her head in pain. Diamond grabs Alexis and she Irish whips Knight into the corner. Diamond runs at the cornered Alexis Knight to attack but Alexis gets her elbow up, catching the charging Diamond in the face with the point of her elbow. Diamond is staggering and Alexis Knight runs out of the corner to attack but Diamond catches Alexis Knight in the Sidewalk Slam! Owen Nelson: Sidewalk Slam by the Women’s Champion, and we’re down to the final two here, folks. One of these two women will leave Aggression 2007 with the ECFW Women’s Championship. Diamond brings Alexis Knight to her feet and Diamond scoops Alexis up into a body slam. With Alexis down on the mat on her back, Diamond goes for the Voodoo Rain, but Alexis gets her knees up! Crowd: Oh! “Big” Ben Little: That has to hurt! Diamond is on the mat, holding her gut in pain. Alexis Knight stands up and she signals for the end. Owen Nelson: Alexis Knight has the perfect opportunity to put Diamond away, win this match, and become the very first 3-Time ECFW Women’s Champion in history. Alexis Knight pulls Diamond up to her feet and she kicks her in the stomach. Alexis Knight then sets Diamond up for the LexiDT, but just when Alexis is about to hit the move, KITTEN CHARRINGTON (who never left the ring after being pinned) is back up, and she grabs Alexis and hits her with the CAT SCRATCH FEVER! Crowd boos “Big” Ben Little: Haha! There you go! The Cat Scratch Fever! The sold-out audience is booing as Kitten Charrington stands and she looks down at the motionless Alexis Knight, yelling and screaming. The referee finally forces Kitten to leave the ring, who is yelling at the fans on her way to the back. Owen Nelson: Kitten Charrington, sore loser that she is, just hit Alexis Knight with the Cat Scratch Fever after being eliminated, and that could cost Alexis the match and the Title. In the ring, Diamond makes the cover on Alexis Knight…1...2... …Alexis Knight just barely gets her shoulder up in time! Crowd erupts! “Big” Ben Little: What?! No! Diamond is shocked and she looks at the referee, holding up three fingers as she yells; but the ref shakes his head and holds up only two fingers as Diamond slams her fist on the mat in frustration. Owen Nelson: I can’t believe it! And neither can Diamond. Diamond stands up and she pulls Alexis Knight up to her feet as well. Diamond, holding Alexis up, yells in her face that “you’re done!” as Diamond drives her knee into Alexis’ mid-section. Diamond then sets Alexis up for her own finishing move, the LexiDT. The crowd is booing. “Big” Ben Little: Insult to injury-Diamond is going to finish Alexis Knight off with her own move. Diamond is about to drop Alexis with her own move, when Alexis suddenly counters, pulling Diamond into the small package pin!…1...2...3! BELL RINGS! Owen Nelson: Yes! Sam Jenkans: Ladies and gentlemen, Diamond has been eliminated, and thus, the winner of the match and your NEW ECFW Women’s Champion, Alexis Knight! Crowd erupts! “Big” Ben Little: No! No! No! Alexis Knight is down on the mat still, holding her head in pain as the referee kneels down to check on her. Diamond sits up, shocked as she yells and screams, looking around. Owen Nelson: What a match! Alexis Knight was up against all odds, and it looked like she had no chance left, but then she rolls Diamond up and Alexis breaks all records, making history here tonight at Aggression as she is now the very first woman in this planet’s history to win the ECFW Women’s Title on three separate occasions. The referee helps Alexis Knight stand, and the ref then raises Alexis’ arm up high as the audience cheers and applauds. “Big” Ben Little: Diamond had Alexis Knight right where she wanted her-I don’t know how this happened. Diamond stands up, looking on with anger, rage, and shock as the referee hands the tear-eyed Alexis Knight the ECFW Women’s Championship Title Belt. Owen Nelson: Alexis Knight is finally once again Champion. Finally. Alexis Knight is holding her newly won Gold up high, as Diamond looks on, irate. “Big” Ben Little: Diamond can’t believe she has lost her Title here tonight in Miami. Diamond walks forward and she shoves Alexis Knight, yelling at her, “that’s mine!” Alexis looks down at the Belt in her hand, then back up at the yelling Diamond. Owen Nelson: Diamond is very upset. Diamond is yelling in Knight’s face, and Alexis shrugs and then WHAM! Alexis Knight swings the Belt
against Diamond’s face, knocking Diamond out cold! Crowd: Oh! “Big” Ben Little: That isn’t right, damnit. Diamond is down and out on her back as Alexis Knight stands over Diamond’s fallen body, her eyes wet, as she holds up the Women’s Championship Title Belt once again, the audience cheering. Owen Nelson: Its been a long, long journey, but Alexis Knight has come a long way and she can now call herself 3-Time ECFW Women’s Champion. Backstage Segment We go backstage to The Neurotic Outsiders’ locker room, where J.R. Rose is sitting on the couch, taping his wrists; the ECFW Championship Title Belt lie at his side. In walks Shannon Black. Shannon Black: There you are! I’ve been looking all over for you. J.R. Rose: I needed some time alone. Shannon Black: Tonight’s a pretty big night for you. J.R. Rose: That is a big, big understatement, my friend…tonight is the biggest match of my life. Tonight I go into the most dangerous and brutal match known to man, against a man I have a lot of history with, with my Title that I’ve worked so hard for so long to get on the line, and against the man who put my manager and friend, Lint, in the hospital. Tonight, Shannon…I am going into war. Shannon Black: At least you’re focused. Its Hell in a Cell, J.R…I know I don’t need to tell you good luck. J.R. Rose: Go give your good lucks to Ceven Gordon. He’s going to need them. Ceven Gordon’s hell on earth will come tonight when I beat his ass within an inch of his life, and pin him for the first time so he’ll have no more excuses about how I’ve never “truly” beaten him. And when its all said and done, Shannon, I will leave this building with you, and with my ECFW Championship, which I deserve a whole hell of a lot more than that punk, Ceven Gordon. Shannon Black: Lint’s watching, J.R. I want you to make sure you do all of this for Lint. J.R. Rose: I know full-well that Lint is watching, and I really hope he is. Tonight I am doing all of this for Lint, and I am going to make Ceven Gordon bleed and beg for mercy, and I know Lint will be loving every second of it. J.R. cuts his tape and stands up, grabbing his ECFW Title Belt and slinging it over his right shoulder. J.R. and Shannon stand before one another. Shannon Black: So you’re ready? J.R. Rose: I’m ready for hell. J.R. walks past Shannon Black and leaves the room. Scene Fades. Owen Nelson: I don’t know if I have ever seen J.R. Rose so focused, but he is ready for hell. And tonight, he will get just that as he steps into the ring with his arch rival, “The Corporate Champion” Ceven Gordon, inside of Hell in the Cell for the ECFW World Heavyweight Championship. “Big” Ben Little: Its very, very personal, and its going to be very, very bloody tonight inside of wrestling’s most dangerous environment: Hell in the Cell. Owen Nelson: Hell in the Cell is still to come later on tonight here at Aggression, but first, coming up next, it’s a match that has been several months in the making as well, as the undefeated Matt Arcara puts his streak on the line against Preston Jacks, and this will be a Brass Knuckles-on-a-Pole Match. This means that the first individual to climb up the ropes to the pole and snatch the Brass Knucks hanging from the pole will have the Knucks at their disposal. “Big” Ben Little: Kurt Evans has been telling Matt Arcara as of late that he wants to see Arcara make an impact, and that is what Arcara intends on doing in this match. Owen Nelson: This very unique and very personal match is coming up right now… BRASS KNUCKLES ON-A-POLE MATCH Sam Jenkans – Ladies and Gentlemen, this next contest is the Brass Knucks on a pole match and the rules are as follows. The first man to climb the turnbuckles and reach up the pole to grab the Brass Knucks are free to use them on their opponent. Now this match is not no disqualification match, there will be count-outs and DQ’s, the only weapon that is legal is the Brass Knucks that rest on top of the pole. Now for the combatants: Introducing first, he is from Denver, Colorado, weighing in at 240lbs, the self-proclaimed “Living Legend,” Matt Arcara! “Enemy” by Fozzy begins to play across the arena as the Miami fans stand on their feet booing as Matt Arcara arrogantly struts from behind the curtains and looks around at the booing fans. Matt Arcara ignores the fans and proceeds to walk down the ramp towards the ring. Matt Arcara on the way just wafts his hand telling the fans to not touch him as he makes it down to ringside. Owen Nelson - And the most arrogant superstar on our roster, matt Arcara, and these Miami fans do not like this man one bit. “Big” Ben Little – What is wrong with Mr. Arcara? Owen Nelson – Mr. Arcara? “Big” Ben Little – He likes to be referred to as Mr. Arcara by his associates. Oh and for the record, Mr. Arcara is still undefeated, until somebody pins his shoulders to the matt or makes him submit he is technically undefeated, look it up in the rule book. Owen Nelson – Whatever you say, Ben, but all I do know is, Matt Arcara’s opponent’s losing streak has to end sometime, maybe tonight is the night. Matt Arcara slowly walks up the steps and along the ring apron, stopping in the middle. “The Living Legend” turns around and leans on the ropes before smirking and stepping through the ropes. Matt Arcara raises his arms as the fans continue their booing and a small “MATT SUCKS” chant breaks out. Matt just sighs as the music slowly fades. Sam Jenkans – And his opponent, he is from Manchester, England, weighing in at 215lbs, Preston Jacks! “Wildest Dreams” by Iron Maiden plays and the fans stand and cheer the former Cola Boy. Preston Jacks then emerges with a very serious and focused look upon his face at the thought of revenge for all the times he has been humiliated at the hands of Preston Jacks. Preston Jacks then runs down to the ring but as Preston slides underneath the bottom rope Matt Arcara exits out of the opposite of the ring and onto the ringside floor. Owen Nelson – Preston Jacks wants to waste no time in getting things started, he just ran down to the ring, but the crafty Matt Arcara runs like a coward. “Big” Ben Little – Hey, he did the smart thing, let Preston Jacks frustrate himself. After a few moments of pacing Matt Arcara climbs the ring steps nearby and steps through the ropes as the referee for the contest, Josh Pinth calls for the bell to start the match. DING! DING! Both Matt Arcara and Preston jacks look at each other and the up at the Brass Knucks that are attached to a 12 ft pole before locking eyes on each other again. After a short while both combatants lock up in the center of the ring but Matt Arcara pushes Preston jacks backwards and into the corner. The referee is asking for a break. Both men slowly unlock their arms and Matt Arcara slowly backs away. Matt Arcara is shaking his head and smirking as Preston Jacks looks at Matt Arcara in a quizzical look. Owen Nelson – I’m surprised we got a clean break from Matt Arcara. “Big” Ben Little – What are you trying to imply? Matt Arcara oozes class. Preston Jacks moves towards Matt Arcara again and once more both men lock up but Matt Arcara quickly locks in a side headlock take down but Preston Jacks quickly makes it up to his feet and reverses into a reverse hammerlock on Matt Arcara. “The Living Legend” is trying to escape but the hold gets tightened by the former Cola Boy. Matt Arcara then ducks and reverses into a reverse hammerlock of his own. Owen Nelson – Reverses and counters galore thus far. “Big” Ben Little – I think they are both just sizing each other up. Matt Arcara than yanks the arm of Preston Jacks which forces Jacks onto his knees. Arcara then twists the arm of Jacks and Jacks flips over onto his back but Preston Jacks immediately kicks up back onto his feet and reverses the move into an arm bar as Arcara though rolls onto his back and does a kick up of his own onto his feet and slaps Preston Jacks hard across the face which knocks Jacks onto one knee holding his face. Owen Nelson – Damn Matt Arcara, has he no respect for anybody but himself? “Big” Ben Little – Hey, Mr. Arcara is just showing Preston Jacks who the man is. Preston Jacks suddenly gets onto both of his feet and hits Matt Arcara with a right hand knocking Arcara onto his back a rolls backwards onto his feet. Jacks continues to fire away with hard lefts though to Matt Arcara which is staggering “The Living Legend” into the ropes. Preston Jacks then Irish whips Arcara into the ropes and hits a high back body drop on the returning Matt Arcara who lands on his back. Preston Jacks then looks over to the pole with The brass Knucks resting on it and proceeds to walk over to it but is suddenly stopped. Jacks looks down at Arcara who has wrapped himself around Jacks leg to stop Jacks from going any farther to the corner with the pole. Jacks delivers a few timely stomps to the head region of Matt Arcara who lets go of the ankle/leg of Jacks. Arcara slowly gets to his feet though and is once again being struck with hard lefts from a fired up and focused Preston Jacks. Jacks then Irish whips Arcara into the ropes once again but this time Arcara reverses it. Jacks bounces back towards Arcara and tilt-a-whirls, nailing Arcara with a head scissors which flips Arcara over and onto his back. Arcara gets to his feet though in the corner but Preston Jacks walks over and AGAIN nails a few hard shots to the face and head area of Matt Arcara. Owen Nelson – I have never seen Preston Jacks so focused. “Big” Ben Little – But has Preston jacks got enough in his arsenal to finish Matt Arcara off, I don’t think so. Jacks then delivers a few stiff kicks into the mid-section of Matt Arcara who is holding the ropes in the corner to keep himself upright. Arcara slowly walks out of the corner slightly and gets Irish whipped immediately into the ropes. As Arcara hits the ropes Preston Jacks jumps up hoping to leapfrog a returning Arcara but Matt Arcara holds onto the ropes and as Jacks lands back on his feet Arcara runs at jacks, knocking him down with a stiff clothesline. Arcara then quickly runs to the corner and proceeds to climb the turnbuckle but Preston Jacks sees this and hurriedly gets to his feet and pulls Arcara off the turnbuckle as Arcara lands on his back. Jacks then runs at Arcara for a flying elbow drop but Arcara moves out of the way just in time. Arcara gets to his feet and shakes the few cobwebs loose before heading to where Preston Jacks is. Arcara then pulls Jacks to his feet and hits a side suplex on Preston Jacks. Arcara picks Jacks up again and walks him to the turnbuckle where Arcara slams Jacks head into the top turnbuckle as the fans begin to chant for Preston Jacks. Owen Nelson – Matt Arcara has gained control of the match but the fans are getting behind the former Cola Boy. “Big” Ben Little – It will take more than these idiots in Miami to save Preston jacks tonight. Arcara then turns Jacks around and props him up before delivering a hard knife edge chop on the chest of Preston jacks. Arcara then delivers a second knife edge chop on Preston Jacks’ chest. Arcara then talks some trash into the face of Preston Jacks before Irish whipping Jacks across the ring into the opposite turnbuckle. Arcara then runs at Jacks but Jacks moves out of the way just as Arcara is about to hit a splash and Arcara crashes onto the top turnbuckle and over the ropes and down to the ringside floor. Owen Nelson – Matt Arcara landed hard, this could be Preston Jack’s opportunity he was waiting for. “Big” Ben Little – Come on Matt….I mean Mr. Arcara, get up. Arcara slowly struggles to his feet as Jacks waits for the arrogant and technically undefeated superstar to get to his feet. Arcara turns around and Jacks leaps the ropes looking to hit a body press but Arcara leaps backwards but Jacks sensed this and lands on the apron onto his feet. Arcara turns around and heads back to the ring only to be kicked in the head by Jacks who is still on the apron of the ring. Arcara turns around holding his jaw from the kick. Arcara then turns back around once again to face the ring as Preston Jacks leaps off the middle rope and connects on Arcara with an Asai moonsault. Arcara is down on his back as Preston Jacks gets to his feet nailing Arcara with a stomp to the ribs for good measure. Owen Nelson – All the times that Matt Arcara has used those damn Brass Knucks on Preston jacks, that is what Preston Jacks has thoughts of and now it is his night to give a little of Matt Arcara’s medicine back to him. “Big” Ben Little – Matt Arcara has never used any foreign object, you are blind the same as everybody else is. Preston Jacks pulls Matt Arcara to his feet and tosses “The Living Legend” back inside the ring. Arcara is on his back still as Preston Jacks looks set to be about to deliver something. Preston Jacks then propels himself over the top rope from the apron and lands on Matt Arcara with a big splash and into a pinfall as Josh Pinth gets down to count. 1…2…kick out by Arcara. Owen Nelson – First pinfall of the match without the need for the Knucks as of yet and a close call for Matt Arcara. “Big” Ben Little – Preston Jacks needs to do a lot more than that to beat “The Living Legend” Preston Jacks then decides it is time to go and get the Brass Knucks, so Jacks walks to the corner where the pole is and gets to the second turnbuckle and reaches up but cannot reach the Knucks. Owen Nelson – You need to get higher Preston, you need to be standing on the top turnbuckle. “Big” Ben Little – Well Preston has never been the smartest in the class has he? Suddenly Matt Arcara appears and hits a dropkick connecting to the back of Preston Jacks who loses his balance and falls backwards crashing down to the canvas as Arcara is also down from feeling the effects of Preston’s earlier onslaught. After a few moments both superstars slowly make it back to their feet but Preston Jacks strikes first with a hard fist to the face of Arcara. Jacks then Irish whips Arcara into the ropes but Arcara grabs onto the opposite ropes and holds on before dropping down and rolling out of the ring. Arcara waves away at jacks to signify he is about to walk out of the match as the fans boo at Arcara’s cowardness and Jacks looks on with a focused but angry expression on his face. But before Arcara can actually walk anywhere, Preston Jacks runs at the ropes and connects with Matt Arcara with a baseball slide knocking Arcara down onto the ringside floor. Owen Nelson – Arcara was about to walk out of the match but Preston Jacks isn’t going to allow that to happen. “Big” Ben Little – Mr. Arcara wasn’t going to go anywhere, all he wanted was a breather, a timeout and Jacks had to cheap shot “The Living Legend”. Owen Nelson – This isn’t the NFL, you get no timeouts here. Jacks drops down and rolls outside around the corner of the ring from where Arcara is. Arcara gets slowly to his feet and Jacks begins running before leaping onto the barricade and running along the barricade (Jeff Hardy style) before leaping at Arcara but Arcara ducks causing Jacks to go over Arcara but Jacks lands on his feet. Jacks then turns around and runs back at Arcara but Arcara lifts up Jacks and drops Preston Jacks face first onto the steel steps. Arcara then drops to his knees propped up against the barricade as Jacks is on the floor holding his face after being dropped across the steel steps. Josh Pinth then starts to count both men out of the ring. 1….2….3….4….5…. Arcara is now on his feet and he pulls jacks to his feet and tosses him inside the ring. Arcara quickly rolls in afterwards and gets to his feet before running and hitting a football punt into the rips of Preston Jacks who was on his hands and knees but now is on the canvas gasping for air. Matt Arcara then walks to the pole and climbs the turnbuckle to try and grab the Brass Knucks. Preston Jacks slowly gets up still trying to catch his breath as Arcara reaches for the Knucks. Jacks though makes it to the turnbuckle before Arcara can grab the Knucks and yanks him down by Arcara’s tights. Arcara though swings his elbow which catches Jacks in his face knocking him down and onto his back. Owen Nelson – This is a very physical match, Matt Arcara just leveled Preston Jacks with that elbow too. “Big” Ben Little – That is why he is undefeated, sure he might have been on teams and matches who have lost but that was mainly due to his team mates and other opponents dropping the ball. Arcara then walks over to Jacks who is on his hands and knees again and Arcara kicks Jacks in the head which sends jacks flat on the floor again. Arcara then pulls Jacks to his feet and sets him up before hitting a delayed standing vertical suplex. Jacks holds his back in pain from the impact as Arcara now begin to have that cocky swagger in his stride as the crowd boos and chants “Matt sucks” again. Matt Arcara just puts his hand to his ear to taunt the fans as if to say “I can’t hear you” as the fans boo and chant louder. Matt Arcara then bounces off the ropes and hits a dropkick to the still grounded Preston Jacks, connecting with the side of Jacks’ head. Arcara then pulls Jacks to his feet and picks him up as though he was about to deliver Fallaway Slam but Jacks uses his momentum and rolls Arcara into a cradle pin as the referee Josh Pinth gets down to count. 1…2…kick out by Matt Arcara. Owen Nelson – How close was that counter by Preston Jacks. “Big” Ben Little – But Jacks still didn’t get it done. Both men jump to their feet and Matt Arcara immediately takes the former “Cola Boy” down with a vicious clothesline. Matt Arcara stands again and he brings Preston Jacks up to his feet and kicks Jacks in the gut. Matt Arcara then hoists Preston up for the Lion Buster, but Jacks escapes and kicks Arcara in the mid-section and Preston goes for the Jack High but Matt counters and reverses Preston into the Electric Chair slam! Crowd: Oohh! Owen Nelson: Oh, man! What a counter there by the self-proclaimed “Living Legend,” countering the Jack High and driving Preston Jacks hard into the canvas. Matt Arcara stands and he looks down at Preston Jacks, and then up at the Brass Knuckles hanging from the pole in the corner. “Big” Ben Little: Here’s your chance, Matt…climb up and grab those Brass Knucks! They’re as good as yours. Matt Arcara walks over and he begins to climb up the ropes toward the pole. The sold-out audience is on their feet. Owen Nelson: Matt Arcara is going for those Brass Knucks which he should know oh so well. Matt Arcara makes it to the top rope and he reaches up to grab the Brass Knucks hanging from the pole, but just as Matt is about to grab the Knucks, Preston Jacks is back up and he runs over and shakes the top rope, causing Arcara to lose his balance and fall groin-first on the top rope, straddling the top rope! Crowd: Oh! “Big” Ben Little: Oh no! Matt Arcara, straddling the top rope, has a face that you can see his pain on, as Preston Jacks then pulls “The Living Legend” off from the top rope and back down to the mat. Preston Jacks then climbs up the ropes in the corner as the fans in the arena cheer him on. Owen Nelson: Preston Jacks is about to retrieve the Brass Knucks! Matt Arcara is crawling on the mat, as in the corner, Preston Jacks is on the top rope and he reaches up and grabs the Brass Knucks from the pole! Crowd cheers “Big” Ben Little: He’s got them! This is not good… On the top rope still, Preston Jacks smiles as he looks at the standing audience and then at the Brass Knucks in his hand. Preston leaps down from the top rope, and he slips the Brass Knucks onto his right hand, as Matt Arcara is in the opposite corner of the ring, his back turned to Preston. Owen Nelson: Preston Jacks has got those Brass Knucks and he can now use them on Matt Arcara. Matt Arcara turns around and Preston Jacks runs at him, swinging the Brass Knucks for Arcara’s face, but Matt ducks and then BAM! Matt Arcara knocks Preston Jacks out with his OWN PAIR of Brass Knuckles! Shocked crowd: Oohh! “Big” Ben Little: Oh! Look, Owen! Matt Arcara has his own pair of Brass Knucks! The sold-out crowd is booing as Matt Arcara slips the Knucks back into his tights and he drops down and covers the unconscious Preston Jacks…1...2...3! BELL RINGS! Owen Nelson: Oh, c’mon! This is crap, man. Sam Jenkans: Here is your winner and thus still undefeated…Matt Arcara! The crowd’s boos grow even louder. “Big” Ben Little: Haha! Yes! How brilliant is “The Living Legend” Matt Arcara? Owen Nelson: Brilliant…or cheap, maybe. Matt Arcara stands up, a smirk on his face, as the referee raises his arm in victory. “Big” Ben Little: Preston Jacks and all of the people here in the American Airlines Arena thought Preston had the match won when he retrieved the Brass Knucks from the pole, but little did we realize that on the other side of the ring, Matt Arcara had his very own pair of Brass Knucks in his tights. Owen Nelson: And thanks to that, Matt Arcara has stolen yet another victory, and as much as it sucks…he remains, technically, undefeated here in Extreme Championship Fatal Wrestling. Matt Arcara stands over Preston Jacks, who has yet to move since being knocked out, and Matt looks down at his motionless victim, smiling as he then looks up at the booing audience and raises his arms high. “Big” Ben Little: Kurt Evans told Matt Arcara to make an impact, and I think Matt Arcara did just that here tonight at Aggression. ________________________________________________________________________ The following “Cyber Carnage Flashback” is being brought to you by M&M’s, the official candy of the biggest event of the year, Cyber Carnage VI. _______________________________________________________
.CYBER CARNAGE III. ………………………………............
Dev finally drops down and covers Gladiator...Raptor, the only referee left now, counts the pin...1...2...GLADIATOR GETS HIS SHOULDER UP! Crowd erupts! They are going absolutely crazy! Owen Nelson: Oh my gosh! Gladiator kicked out! Gladiator kicked out! Devastation gets up and starts pounding the canvas over and over in deep frustration. Crowd boos Raptor just laughs, and gives him a warning. You can tell Raptor is not intimidated in the least bit. Big Ben Little: I don’t know if you should pick a fight with Raptor, Dev. Dev does it! He spits in Raptors face! Crowd: OOOOHHH!!! Raptor, no longer laughing, stares Dev in the eyes with evil intentions. Crowd: RAPTOR! RAPTOR! RAPTOR! RAPTOR! RAPTOR! RAPTOR! Etc... Owen Nelson: Not a good idea, Dev. Dev starts to back up a bit but gets the DEMONS DROP by Raptor! Crowd erupts! Big Ben Little: Demons Drop by the, the, the referee! Now both bloody men are down and out in the center ring. Along with one of the referees, Pat. Owen Nelson: What a turn of events here in this match, Ben. Big Ben Little: You said it, Owen. A long while later, Gladiator gets up to his feet. Crowd cheers Owen Nelson: Gladiator not only wants the World Title, he wants revenge, too! Gladiator picks it up, and shortly thereafter, Devastation pulls himself up to his feet. WHAM! GLADIATOR NAILS DEVASTATION IN THE HEAD WITH THE HAMMER! The crowds cheers grow louder! Big Ben Little: This is no fair! Dev is down and out, and Gladiator drops the hammer, drops down and goes for the win...Raptor counts the pin without hesitation, and with a smile on his face...1...2...3! BELL RINGS!!! Crowd erupts! Owen Nelson: Its over! Sam Jenkans: The winner of this match, and NEEEW ECFW Champion, Gladiator! Crowd: GLADIATOR! GLADIATOR! GLADIATOR! GLADIATOR! Etc... Raptor drags Devastation up, who is still out cold, and Raptor roughly throws Devastation over the top rope and out of the ring! Gladiator, still down, is handed his newly won Title Belt by Raptor. Big Ben Little: What an awesome match. Gladiators blood is dripping onto the Title Belt. Gladiator uses the ring ropes to pull himself back up, and he raises the Title Belt in the air as the crowd applauds. Owen Nelson: I think this match was even better than last year main event, Ben. Big Ben Little: You may be right, Owen. Gladiator falls back to his knees in pain. Gladiator holds the Belt close to his face. Raptor leaves the ring as the crowd applauds him too. Owen Nelson: What an incredible night. __________________________________________________ This has been the “Cyber Carnage Flashback.” More great moments such as this are sure to come this year, when the grandest stage of em all returns for the sixth consecutive year, as the ECFW proudly presents the biggest event in history, Cyber Carnage VI, LIVE and only on pay-per-view, May 19th from the sold-out Safeco Field in Seattle, Washington. WILL YOU BE THERE? ________________________________________________________________________ Owen Nelson: That was one hell of a match and one hell of a night three years ago at the third Cyber Carnage in Atlanta, Georgia. Gladiator won his second ECFW Championship on that night, and perhaps cemented his place as one of the sport’s all-time greatest. “Big” Ben Little: Cyber Carnage 6 comes live on pay-per-view on May 19th from Seattle, Washington, and as you saw there, Gladiator won his second of three ECFW Championships at Cyber Carnage III in 2004. But now, here tonight at Aggression 2007, Gladiator is supposed to make his long-awaited return to the ECFW. Owen Nelson: Is “The Icon” here tonight in Miami, Florida? He is scheduled to be in Stephan Silverstone’s corner when “The MVP” challenges Sam Wilde for the Intercontinental Championship. That match is later tonight, and we will find out of “The Icon” is here tonight in the American Airlines Arena. “Big” Ben Little: But before that, the Tag Team Titles are on the line between two of the greatest tandems of all-time. it’s the Shocrew’s defending Champions, Lonewolf and Stef Morrus defending against the challengers, Rob Black and Quake, Forsaken. Owen Nelson: And what I want to know is, where are Nick and Kurt Evans watching this match, and what do they have planned for this evening? “Big” Ben Little: The Tag Team Titles are on the line next… ECFW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH Sam Jenkans - This match is a Standard Match tag match for the ECFW Tag Team Championship titles. On their
way to the ring at this time, representing The Shocrew, they are the ECFW Tag Team Champions…Lonewolf and “Mr.
Shotime” Stef Morrus! [(The bell rings) Stef Morrus punches Quake repeatedly. Quake brings in Rob Black for Forsaken. "Mr. Shotime"
hits Rob Black with an elbow drop from the second turnbuckle. ] Owen Nelson - Nice rolling knee there by the former Intercontinental Champion, Rob Black. [Stef Morrus climbs back up to his feet, and Rob Black staggers him with hard right fists to the face. Rob Black then grabs “Mr. Shotime” by his arm and he Irish whips Morrus into the ropes. Stef Morrus bounces back and ducks an attempted clothesline from Rob Black and Stef then lifts Black up onto his shoulders for the Shotime Special, but Rob slips down on his feet and grabs “Mr. Shotime” by his throat!] The sold-out crowd stands to their feet. “Big” Ben Little: Here we go… [Rob Black lifts Stef Morrus up into the air by his throat for the End of Days, but before Rob can slam Stef, Lonewolf jumps into the ring and nails Rob Black from behind, causing him to drop and release Stef Morrus on the mat. Rob then turns around and Lonewolf knocks him down with a clothesline!] Owen Nelson: Lonewolf makes the save just in time. [Lonewolf turns around and Quake is now in the ring, running through Lonewolf with a powerful clothesline!] “Big” Ben Little: And now Quake is in the ring, too! Its all for the ECFW Tag Team Championship, folks. [Lonewolf stands up and Quake kicks the Hall-of-Famer in the mid-section and then sticks his head in-between his legs, setting Lonewolf up for the Rector Scale, but this is when Stef Morrus is back up, knocking Quake down from behind.] Owen Nelson: The Tag Team Champions always have one another’s back, Ben. [Quake stands back up and Stef Morrus tries to lift Quake up onto his shoulders, but this is before Rob Black grabs “Mr. Shotime” and spins him around, grabbing him by his throat for the End of Dayz. But before Rob Black can even lift Morrus up for the move, Stef kicks Rob in the stomach to free himself. Stef Morrus then lifts Rob Black up onto his shoulders and drops him with the SHOTIME SPECIAL!] Crowd reaction is mixed. “Big” Ben Little: Oh! Shotime Special by “Mr. Shotime!” [Stef Morrus stands up and Quake is there, kicking Stef in the mid-section and then scooping him up into a Powerslam!] Crowd: Oh! Owen Nelson: There is some brute strength by the former Intercontinental Champion, Quake. [Quake stands and turns around where he is suddenly kicked in the stomach and hit with the DOUBLE ARM DDT BY LONEWOLF!!!] “Big” Ben Little: Double Arm DDT! The Shocrew has got this thing won. [But as soon as Lonewolf stands back up to his feet, KURT EVANS runs down to ringside and jumps up onto the ring apron, getting the referee’s attention.] The audience begins to boo. Owen Nelson: Look who it is! it’s the ECFW General Manager, Kurt Evans. Kurt and the ECFW Owner, Nick, told us earlier tonight they had some plans for this evening…so where is Nick? [Kurt Evans is on the ring apron, distracting the referee. Behind the referee’s back Lonewolf is yelling and trying to regain the referee’s attention, when all of a sudden…WHACK! NICK is in the ring (having come through the audience) and he swings a steel chair across the back of Lonewolf, knocking the former ECFW Champion to his hands and knees.] Crowd: Oh! “Big” Ben Little: There’s Nick! The Owner of ECFW just nailed Lonewolf in the back with that steel chair, and the referee didn’t see a thing! [Lonewolf is on his hands and knees on the mat, as Nick stands over him, raising the chair high above his head, ready to bring it down on the back, once again, of Lonewolf. But just before Nick can slam the chair down, Stef Morrus is back up and he turns Nick around and knocks the Owner of ECFW off his feet with a hard right punch to the face!] Crowd cheers Owen Nelson: Oh! Yes! “Mr. Shotime” Stef Morrus is back up and he knocks the Owner of ECFW off his feet with a hard right hand! [Nick quickly rolls out of the ring, holding his face in pain. Kurt Evans sees what happened, and he gets off of the ring apron (the referee no longer distracted) and Kurt runs over and aids to Nick, who is on his knees on the floor at ringside, holding his face in pain.] “Big” Ben Little: Nick and Kurt’s plans have failed already! [In the ring, the referee is focused again as Stef Morrus climbs up to the top rope and he leaps off with the SHO STOPPER on Rob Black (who was still down from the previous Shotime Special)!] Crowd: Oohh! Owen Nelson: Sho Stopper! [Stef Morrus has Rob Black pinned on the mat…1...2...3!] Bell Rings! “Big” Ben Little: How did they do that? Sam Jenkans: Here are your winners and still your ECFW Tag Team Champions, The Shocrew’s Lonewolf and Stef Morrus! Crowd reaction is mixed. Owen Nelson: Against all odds, Lonewolf and “Mr. Shotime” have somehow overcome it all and they once again retain their coveted ECFW Tag Team Championships here live tonight at Aggression in Miami. Stef Morrus stands up and he helps Lonewolf to his feet, who is holding his back in pain. The referee hands Lone and Stef their Tag Team Title Belts, and the official then raises the Champions’ arms up high as their fans cheer. “Big” Ben Little: The Tag Team Champions spoiled Nick and Kurt’s plans tonight at Aggression. Out at ringside, Kurt Evans and Nick are irate, as they look into the ring at Lonewolf and “Mr. Shotime,” who are standing tall in the center of the ring, raising their Gold high in the air. Owen Nelson: Nick and Kurt Evans had intentions of screwing Lonewolf and Stef Morrus out of the Tag Team Titles here tonight, but Lonewolf and “Mr. Shotime” made sure that things did not go according to plan for the boss and his lackey. Nick and Kurt stare down the Tag Team Champions with hatred in their eyes as Lone and Stef smile and sarcastically wave to the Owner and the GM. “Big” Ben Little: Ugh. Interview We go backstage and interviewer Rena Summers is standing by backstage with Sam Wilde (his Gold Belt over his shoulder) and Kyve Hart. Rena Summers: Ladies and gentlemen, I am standing by backstage now with the ECFW Intercontinental Champion, Sam Wilde, along with his partner in crime, so to speak, “The 5 Star Superstar” Kyve Hart. The crowd can be heard booing from inside the arena as Sam and Kyve smirk. Rena Summers: Gentlemen, in just a matter of moments, you, Sam, will defend your Championship against the man whose career you’ve attempted to end on several accounts now, and that is “The MVP” Stephan Silverstone, who is going into this match with an injured knee. Kyve, you will accompany Sam to the ring for this match. Kyve Hart: You’re damn right. And let me explain something to everyone out there: Sam Wilde DID run down Silverstone on August 1st, 2006, and I’m sure he would do it again, not that I would stop him. And yes, Sam and I did nearly take Silverstone out once again a couple of weeks go on Terror. And you know what? We would do it all over again. The fact is that both Sam Wilde and I despise Stephan Silverstone with everything in us, and tonight, I am going to be at ringside to ensure that Silverstone doesn’t pull any of his B.S. that he’s so known to do, because as God as my witness, Sam Wilde will leave this pathetic city still the ECFW Intercontinental Champion, and as far as I’m concerned…Stephan Silverstone will be leaving in an ambulance. Rena Summers: Well a question I have now is, how do you two feel about the return of “The Icon” Gladiator here tonight at Aggression? Gladiator will make his first ECFW appearance since last August, and he will be in Stephan Silverstone’s corner as he challenges you for your Title, Sam… Sam Wilde: …Enough! I have heard enough about Gladiator! I am damn sick and tired of everybody talking about Gladiator like he is God. He is not! As far as this business is concerned, Kyve Hart and myself…we are the Gods of the ring! Tonight, I am going to end Stephan Silverstone’s career once and for all, and tonight, Gladiator, if he even shows up, which I doubt, will have to sit there and watch as I destroy his friend, Stephan Silverstone. Don’t get your hopes up, Rena. Gladiator has a tendency to disappoint and lie, and tonight will be no different. Silverstone is bluffing-Gladiator is NOT here tonight, and even if he was, there isn’t a damn thing his washed-up ass could bloody do about it. Rena is about to ask another question when Paige Wilde shows up, looking her brother in the face. Sam Wilde: What the hell are you doing here? Paige Wilde: I just hope you’re happy, that’s all! You have been ignoring me for weeks now, Sam…I thought I knew you, but apparently not. The Sam Wilde I know would never talk about crippling another man like you’re planning on doing to Stephan Silverstone. Sam Wilde: This does not concern you, precious little sister…to tell you the truth, I am getting real bloody tired of you always trying to but in to my business. Tonight I will do exactly what I said I will do, and I will do whatever it takes to leave Miami, Florida with this Gold (pats the Belt on his shoulder). Paige Wilde: I just hope you take a look in the mirror sometime soon. Sam Wilde: Just get the hell out of my way, sis. And mind your own bloody business! Let’s go, Kyve… Sam and Kyve walk off as Paige looks disappointed. Scene Fades. Owen Nelson: Paige Wilde is absolutely right. Sam Wilde is a changed man, and tonight, I hope he and Kyve Hart get what they’ve got coming to them. “Big” Ben Little: What I want to know is, is Gladiator here tonight in Miami? Owen Nelson: We haven’t seen him for six months, will he be in Stephan Silverstone’s corner??? ECFW INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH VS. STEPHAN SILVERSTONE (W/GLADIATOR) Sam Jenkans: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is for the Intercontinental Championship! (crowd cheers) Owen Nelson: This is going to be a personal one. Ben Little: Personal? I think personal is an understatement. Sam Jenkans: Introducing first being accompanied by Kyve Hart, weighing in at 210 pounds, from Manchester, England, ......the Intercontinental Champion Sam Wilde! The sold out crowd that is already on their feet erupts with boos as "Getting Away With Murder" by Papa Roach begins to play. Soon after Sam Wilde wearing the Intercontinental Championship firmly around his waist makes his way out as he is followed by Kyve Hart. Sam stands at the top of the ramp by the stage area, takes off the championship gold from his waist and raise it high in the air, only to draw a thunderous amount of boos from the sold out Miami crowd. Owen Nelson: These people definitely hates the reigning Intercontinental Champion. Ben Little: Ohhhhh come on, Owen, you know, just like I know that these people is nothing more but being bias here tonight. Owen Nelson: I'll remember you said that, Ben. At the moment Sam Wilde makes his way down the ramp as Kyve follows him. The crowd continues to boo the Intercontinental Champion as he heads up the stairs and Kyve Hart climbs up the apron and enters the ring. As Sam enters the squared circle he proceeds to climb the turnbuckle as he does that, Sam Wilde raises his arm that he is holding the Intercontinental Championship high in the air as Kyve Hart looks on from the center of the ring and the crowd boos grows. Just after that, Sam Wilde steps down from the turnbuckle and his music begins to fade. Sam Wilde hands over the championship title to the referee Leonard Fisher. This is when "So Far Away" by Crossfade begins to play and the lights begins to flicker. The crowd erupts with cheers as "The MVP" Stephan Silverstone makes his way out on stage the crowd erupts with loud cheers. Noticeably Stephan's injured knee is heavily taped up, with a knee brace as well. Sam Jenkans: And the challenger, making his way to ring, weighing in at 252 pounds, from Foxboro, Massachusetts, ....."The MVP" Stephan Silverstone! The crowd continues to cheer on The Most Valuable Player, as he makes his way down the ramp towards the ring. Ben Little: Where is Gladiator, Owen? I don't think he showed up here tonight and I think Stephan Silverstone going in this title match all by himself. Owen Nelson: I hate to say it, but maybe Sam Wilde was right. Bad weather and delayed flights have kept "The Icon" from making his way here to Miami, Florida. At ring side Stephan Silverstone stops and looks at Kyve Hart and The Champion who is both standing in the middle of the squared circle. They are both challenging him to enter the ring. But Silverstone stays just outside of the ring and continues to stare a hole right through the champion. As his theme music fades and the lights return to normal, "My Way" suddenly begins to play. The crowd erupts once again with cheers, while Sam and Kyve can't believe it. Ben Little: His music is playing but where is he? Suddenly the former three time ECFW Champion and ECFW Hall of Famer makes his way out on stage as the crowd cheers grows even louder. Owen Nelson: There he is, Ben…Gladiator is here tonight at Aggression! Ben Little: That is not good news for the Intercontinental Champion. Owen Nelson: And listen to the reaction of these people. Ben Little: Yeah! But since when Miami became big fans of Gladiator? A hyped Gladiator makes his way down the ramp. Sam Jenkans: And the man that is going to be in Stephan Silverstone's corner, .....ECFW Hall of Famer, Gladiator! As he does Stephan and Gladiator greet each other with a hand shake. This is when Stephan Silverstone heads up the stairs, while Gladiator climbs up onto the apron and both superstars entire the squared circle, as Sam Wilde and Kyve Hart takes a couple steps back. As Stephan Silverstone and Gladiator stares right at the two. As Gladiator's theme music begins to fade, the referee orders for Kyve Hart and Gladiator to exit the squared circle so he can call for the bell. Before Kyve exits he and Sam whispered a little strategy. Gladiator slowly leaves the ring, as Kyve exits after. Referee Leonard Fisher raise the Intercontinental Championship high in the air, as Stephan keeps looking straight at Sam Wilde who is staring right back at him. Ben Little: That championship it's what it's all about for these two here tonight. Owen Nelson: I think it's more than the Intercontinental Championship for these two here tonight. Silverstone wants payback and Sam Wilde wants to finish what he started. Leonard Fisher hands the title to Sam Jenkans who is standing on the out side, then the referee immediately calls for the bell to officially start the match.
BELL RINGS! Sam Wilde and Stephan Silverstone begins to circle around the ring, staring right at each other. They circle around a couple times and finally locks up. Due to the size and weight advantage, Stephan easily over powers the Champion and moves him into the corner of the ring. Leonard Fisher orders The MVP to break up the lock, which he does quickly. Stephan then takes a few steps back with a smile on his face. Not a very happy Sam Wilde walks right up to Stephan Silverstone and begins talking trash to The MVP, Stephan listens and smiles at whatever Sam is saying to him. The Intercontinental Champion suddenly takes a swing a delivers a hard slap to left side of the face of The MVP. Crowd: Ohhhhhh! This is when an angered Stephan answers back and takes down Sam Wilde to the canvas. He begins to drive and deliver some hard rights to Sam Wilde. (crowd cheers) Stephan moves back to his feet, bring Sam Wilde up to a standing position as well. Stephan continues to deliver hard rights to Sam Wilde. As he continues to move backwards and finally leans against the ropes, Stephan Silverstone attempts to Irish-whip The Champion into the ropes, but Wilde turns that around and send Silverstone into the ropes. As Silverstone bounces off the ropes, Sam Wilde bends over to execute a back body drop on The MVP. The Challenger sees this and kicks Sam Wilde hard in the face, stunning him. Stephan Silverstone quickly takes Sam Wilde down with a hard clothesline, as the crowd erupts with cheers as Stephan looks at the crowd. Ben Little: What a clothesline, that had to hurt for the reigning Intercontinental Champion. Stephan brings Sam Wilde back to his feet, Irish-whips him into the ropes as Sam returns Stephan ducks and sends Sam flying high in the air with a huge back body drop. Sam Wilde crashes hard into the canvas, Sam quickly moves back to his feet holding his back as a hyped Stephan goes on the attack with a couple rights. The MVP once again Irish-whip his long time enemy into the ropes as Sam Wilde return, Stephan executes a arm drag (Stephan comes down in a sitting position). The crowd cheers as Stephan and Sam Wilde moves back to their feet, Stephan kicks Sam in the gut and hooks him up and lifts him up and delivers a suplex on The Champion. Stephan goes for the cover, as Fisher quickly gets down on to the canvas to make a count. .....1....2.....Sam Wilde kicks out of the pinning situation. Owen Nelson: Only a two count, close but not close enough to win this match and become a two-time Intercontinental Champion. Stephan moves back to his feet and looks down at Sam Wilde who is still on the canvas. Stephan begins to bring Sam to his feet once again, as he does Sam Wilde suddenly kicks Stephan in his injured knee, Stephan quickly falls down onto one knee. The crowd begins to boo, as Stephan begins to slowly gets up and Sam Wilde bounces off the ropes and from behind the knee, hits a chop block on Silverstone's injured knee taking him down to the canvas. The sold out crowd continues to boo the hell out of Sam Wilde, as now begins to kick Stephan hard in his knee. Sam Wilde holds Stephan's left leg , but The MVP manages to kick Sam off with his right leg. Sam Wilde moves back and quickly goes back to grab the left leg of The MVP, but once again Stephan kicks him off, sending Sam to the canvas. As Sam Wilde moves back to his feet, Stephan gets back up as well. Sam Wilde rushes Stephan Silverstone who is limping, but The MVP lifts the Intercontinental Champion up and slams him down with a Spinebuster. Crowd erupts with cheers, but The MVP can't capitalize immediately as his left knee is in a whole lot of pain. Owen Nelson: Well executed Spinebuster by “The Most Valuable Player.” Ben Little: But Owen, ....he's in too much of pain to capitalize on it. After a few seconds, Stephan finally makes the cover over Sam Wilde and Leonard Fisher makes the count. .....1.....2.....Sam Wilde gets his shoulder up yet again. Stephan use the ropes to slowly make it to his feet. He then begins to slowly climb the turnbuckles. Ben Little: One legged guys don't reach too far climbing to the top rope... As Stephan makes his way to the top turnbuckle and Sam Wilde still daze on the canvas, Kyve Hart quickly makes his way up the apron and catch the attention of The Most Valuable Player. The crowd begins to boo as the referee tries to get Kyve Hart down the apron, while Kyve keeps Stephan distracted. This is when Gladiator begins to make his way to where Kyve Hart is. The crowd begins to cheer, Kyve Hart sees Gladiator approaching him and quickly jumps off the apron and begins to back off. Meanwhile, just as Stephan carries his attention back on Sam Wilde, Sam jumps with a drop kicks and hits the legs of Stephan costing him to loose balance and fall on the turnbuckle, costing to hurt his groin. The crowd boos, as Sam Wilde comes around and begins to climb up the turnbuckles where the daze Silverstone is sitting. Owen Nelson: A little distraction and that gave Sam Wilde enough time to what looks as if he is in control now. The Intercontinental Champion sets Silverstone up on the turnbuckle and he then waste no time delivering a swinging neckbreaker from the top rope on his opponent. (the crowd erupts with a mixed reaction mostly boos) Ben Little: You got to believe, Owen, that that has to do it all… Sam Wilde makes the cover on Stephan Silverstone as Leonard Fisher makes the count once more. .....1.....2....The MVP manages to get his leg onto the bottom rope, as the crowd reacts with cheers. Sam Wilde can't believe this, so he pulls Stephan away from the ropes and makes the cover, this time hooking The MVP's leg. Fisher makes the count again. .....1.....2......Stephan kicks out. Sam Wilde puts up three fingers at the referee, Leonard Fisher answers him back with only two fingers. A frustrated Sam Wilde moves back to his feet and looks down at Stephan Silverstone. He begins to stomp a vicious “mud hole” in The MVP. As he stomps all over his body, he begins to target Stephan's left knee. He kicks on it over and over as the crowd boos and Stephan rolls around the canvas in pain. Sam then holds the left leg and locks in the Figure Four Leg Lock. The crowd begins to boo, as Stephan screams in pain. He tries to reach the ropes but it is way too far for him to grab it. As Leonard Fisher begins to ask Stephan if he gives up. The MVP continues to tell the referee no. Owen Nelson: You got to think Stephan Silverstone can't take too much more of this. Ben Little: Of course he can't. He put up a good fight, but that knee of his is his weak spot. And you can't go on winning title matches against caliber wrestlers like Sam Wilde if you're a handicap. Sam Wilde keeps the figure four lock in as he begins to stretch and slap Stephan Silverstone in his face. The MVP now begins to slowly fade, he drops his shoulder to the canvas as Fisher makes the count. .....1....2....Stephan gets his shoulder back up showing that he is still in this match. The crowd now begins to chant "MVP, MVP, MVP" in support for the challenger. This is when Stephan who is in a whole lot of pain begins to attempt to reverse the Figure Four Leg Lock. Owen Nelson: Stephan is trying to turn that submission around. Ben Little: No way! There is no way he can pull that off. Stephan Silverstone continue to attempt to reverse the Figure Four, as Sam Wilde tries to keep it from happening. With the crowd chants and cheers growing louder, The MVP finally gets the Figure Four in reverse. The crowd erupts with cheers as Sam Wilde begins to scream in pain. Ben Little: No way! Owen Nelson: The Figure Four have been reversed, Ben. Ben Little: Why couldn't Stephan Silverstone save himself further injury and just tap out? The Figure Four leg lock is now released and both opponents is on the canvas holding their legs. Kyve Hart is shouting at Sam Wilde to get up, while Gladiator is telling Stephan Silverstone capitalize on the moment. But both guys are in too much of pain to do anything. Leonard Fisher begins the count. .....1.......2......The two superstars is still on the canvas holding their legs. 3......4.....Sam Wilde begins to use the ropes to pull himself up. ......6.....7.....Stephan Silverstone is also using the ropes to pull himself back up. ......8.....9....By now both superstars is on their feet limping, Silverstone limping more than Wilde. The two approach each other and begins to hit each other with quick rights. The crowd likes what they sees as Stephan is slightly getting the upper hand. As Sam Wilde leans to the ropes once again. Silverstone takes a couple steps back and rushes Sam Wilde. Sam Wilde quickly ducks and pulls the ropes down, costing The MVP to go right over the top rope. Stephan surprisingly lands on the apron. Sam Wilde turns around and see The MVP, before Stephan can do anything Sam Wilde runs up to him leaps with a cross body over the top rope taking Stephan off the apron as the two superstars crash hard to the outside of the ring. Owen Nelson: Oh my God, I can't believe what I have just seen! Crowd: Holy sh*t! Holy sh*t! Holy sh*t! Ben Little: I couldn't agree more with the people here in Miami. Owen Nelson: For all the years I have been working as an announcer, I have never seen something quite like that. The crowd is buzzing to what they have just witness. Meanwhile on the outside Stephan Silverstone and Sam Wilde is knocked out cold, while Gladiator and Kyve Hart looks on. Referee Leonard Fisher begins to make the count. ......1.....2.....3.... The Champion begins to slowly move around on the floor. ......4.....5.....The Challenger is now moving around, but Sam Wilde is already getting back to his feet. ......6.....7.....Sam Wilde rolls himself into the ring and rolls back out, stopping the 10 count. Leonard Fisher yells at Sam to get back in the ring, Sam totally ignores him as the referee starts back his count. ....1.....2....Sam Wilde looks at the daze Stephan who is moving back to his feet. Sam rushes him, but The MVP grabs him and hits a quick belly to belly suplex onto the Intercontinental Champion. (crowd cheers) ....3.....4....Stephan who is limping brings Sam Wilde back to his feet and rolls Sam back into the ring. Stephan rolls in as well and immediately go for the cover. Leonard get down and makes the count. ....1.....2....Sam Wilde barely gets his shoulder up. Stephan can't believe it as he looks at the referee and the referee shows him two fingers. Owen Nelson: This is an unbelievable match here tonight. Ben Little: Neither of these two guys wants to stay down. Stephan gets back up and he now begins to stalk Sam Wilde from behind, while the crowd cheers on The MVP. ......As Sam gets back to his feet Stephan lifts Sam up for The Most Valuable Slam, Sam Wilde slips out, lands behind of Stephan, turns him around kick him in the gut and delivers THE WILDE CARD on Stephan Silverstone! Ben Little: The Wilde Card by Sam Wilde! Crowd erupts with boos, as Sam Wilde makes the cover on Stephan. ......1......2.....Stephan some how gets his shoulder up (crowd cheers)! Ben Little: How did he do that?! Owen Nelson: I think his instincts told him to kick out. A frustrated Sam Wilde can't believe it. He hits the canvas a couple of times and then moves back to his feet. He brings The MVP back to his feet, lifts him with a suplex and quickly lands him on the ropes. Stephan Silverstone is currently hanging from the ropes, with half of his body on the outside and the other half hanging into the ring. Sam Wilde begins to climb the turnbuckle near by. He reaches all the way to the top turnbuckle and then mocks the crowd. The crowd begins to boo as he leaps with a leg drop. Stephan suddenly moves out of the way, by pulling his upper body up. From the boos the crowd erupts with cheers. Sam Wilde crashes hard as he rolls around in pain. Owen Nelson: These people wants to see a new champion here tonight. Stephan Silverstone, who is standing on the ring apron, quickly enters the squared circle, Sam Wilde who could barely stand and holding his back is turned around by The MVP and then is taken down by his two legs. Stephan then applies the Sharpshooter! The crowd erupts as Kyve Hart is going crazy. Ben Little: That is not right! Stephan Silverstone is mocking Kyve Hart and the entire Hart Family that has mastered that move here in Extreme Championship Fatal Wrestling. Owen Nelson: Well Ben, the way it looks like, Stephan also has mastered that move. Sam Wilde is trying to get to the ropes, he reaches close, but The MVP pulls back into the middle of the squared circle with the Sharpshooter still locked in. The crowd is cheering, as Sam Wilde arm has already went up in the air, the referee is asking Sam Wilde if he is going to tap out. Owen Nelson: Sam Wilde looks like he is going to tap out… This is when a desperate Kyve Hart jumps on the apron and gets the referee's attention. The crowd begins to boo, as Sam Wilde begins to tap out, but the referee is busy trying to prevent Kyve Hart from entering the squared circle and get him off the apron. Meanwhile Gladiator slides into the ring and suddenly delivers a hard right on Stephan Silverstone making him break the Sharpshooter! The crowd is shocked and is now booing. Ben Little: What!? Owen Nelson: What the hell is that?! Gladiator pulls Stephan Silverstone up, kicks him in the gut and delivers a thunderous UNION JACK ON STEPHAN SILVERSTONE! The crowd is booing like crazy, as Gladiator quickly exits the ring. Owen Nelson: Has Gladiator just betrayed Stephan Silverstone? Ben Little: I am shocked with what I am seeing unfold in front my very eyes. Kyve Hart finally jumps off the apron as the referee carries his attention back on the champion who is slowly crawling over to make the cover over the down and out Stephan Silverstone. After a few seconds he finally drops one arm on the chest of Stephan Silverstone as Leonard Fisher makes the count. .....1......2......The MVP kicks out! The crowd erupts, Gladiator and Kyve Hart is about getting a fit as they can't believe it. Owen Nelson: Ha, yes! This match is not over yet, ladies and gentlemen! Ben Little: Are you kidding me?! How in the world is that possible? While Kyve Hart goes for the Intercontinental Championship. Gladiator grabs the Sledgehammer from under the squared circle. Gladiator tries to enter the ring with the Sledgehammer, but the referee stops him. Meanwhile behind the referee's back Kyve Hart holding the championship title enters the ring, as Stephan and Sam Wilde slowly make their way to their feet. Kyve Hart rushes The MVP and swings the championship gold to take out Stephan, but The MVP ducks and from behind lifts Kyve Hart up and drops him with THE MOST VALUABLE SLAM! The crowd erupts with cheers Owen Nelson: Oh! The Most Valuable Slam on Kyve Hart! Just as Stephan turns around, WHAM! Sam Wilde hits Stephan Silverstone in the forehead with the Intercontinental Championship. The crowd cheers turned to boos as he tosses the title to the outside and makes the cover on Stephan Silverstone. Owen Nelson: Not like this! Gladiator comes off the apron, still holding the sledgehammer, as Leonard Fisher turns around and see Sam Wilde covering Stephan Silverstone. The referee quickly gets in position and makes the count. ......1......2.....THREE!!! Ben Little: Yes! The crowd erupt with boos as the referee calls for the bell and "Getting Away With Murder" by Papa Roach. DING DING DING Sam Jenkans: Here is your winner and still the Intercontinental Champion! .......SAM WILDE!!! The boos grows even louder as Kyve Hart, who is holding his back in pain, enters the ring with the Intercontinental Title. He then hands it to Sam Wilde who can barely stand on his own. The referee now raise Sam's arm in the air only to receive more boos from the sold-out crowd in Miami, Florida. Gladiator now enters the ring and congratulate Sam Wilde with a hand shake and then shakes Kyve's hand. The three who is standing over the motionless body of Stephan Silverstone raise each other arms in the air as the crowd continues their boos and hateful chants for the three. Owen Nelson: Thanks to Gladiator backstabbing Stephan Silverstone here tonight, Sam Wilde is leaving still the Intercontinental Champion. Ben Little: It's some sort of an alliance if you ask me. Look at them, they love the crowd reaction to all this. Owen Nelson: Gladiator came here as a fan favorite and now he is leaving here as probably the most hated man in Extreme Championship Fatal Wrestling. Ben Little: Well that is what he does best! Make people hate him. Gladiator, Sam Wilde and Kyve Hart exit the squared circle as they now head up the ramp, laughing at Stephan Silverstone who just start to come around. Owen Nelson: At an event Stephan Silverstone has never lost, in a match that I think he was sure to win. The MVP has been screwed here tonight in Miami, Florida. ________________________________________________________________________ “To be king…” (Shows a golden crown sitting on a throne) “One needs strength.” (Shows Andre Lacriox winning the first King of Kings Tournament in 2003) “Courage.” (Shows Gladiator winning in 2004 and 2005) “Heart.” (Shows Sam Wilde winning the 2006 King of Kings Tournament) “To be the King of Kings, you must do whatever it takes…” (Shows Gladiator holding the ECFW Championship high at Cyber Carnage III) “TO WIN.” (Shows highlights of some of the King of Kings Tournament Finals Matches, ranging from Andre Lacriox vs. Tiny Tim in ‘03, Gladiator vs. Mr. Jones in ‘04, Gladiator vs. Hard Stone in ‘05, and Sam Wilde vs. KT Morris in ‘06) “WHO WILL BE CROWNED KING THIS YEAR?” (We see more highlights from past tournaments as the pay-per-view information is displayed in the foreground) “The fifth annual “King of Kings” will come to you LIVE and exclusively on pay-per-view, Saturday, March 17th from the Air Canada Centre in Toronto, Canada. Featuring the annual King of Kings Tournament, in which the winner earns a World Title main event match at the biggest event of the year, Cyber Carnage.” (The ending scene shows Sam Wilde holding up the ECFW Championship at Cyber Carnage V) “WHOSE GOING TO CYBER CARNAGE?” (All goes black) Owen Nelson: It comes once a year, and it begins three nights from tonight on Tuesday Night Terror. The very prestigious King of Kings Tournament begins this Tuesday on Terror, and it will conclude in four weeks at the “King of Kings” pay-per-view on March 17th in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The winner, the King of Kings, will earn a Title Match at the grandest stage of em all, the sixth annual “Cyber carnage” this May in Seattle, Washington. “Big” Ben Little: This is always the most exciting time of the year as we start the road to Cyber Carnage 6. Owen Nelson: And folks, just moments ago we saw the two-time King of Kings winner, Gladiator, return to the ECFW, costing Stephan Silverstone the ECFW Intercontinental Championship against Sam Wilde. And it appears as though Sam Wilde, Kyve Hart, and “The Icon” have joined forces…and I think it sucks. “Big” Ben Little: Life sucks, Owen. Get used to it. I think its great, personally. Owen Nelson: Yeah, well you would. But anyway, folks, its been one hell of a night thus far here tonight live at Aggression 2007 in Miami, and its only about to get that much better. Coming up next, the most anticipated match in quite some time, because for the first time in a full year, you will bear-witness the extreme brutality of the most violent and vicious match known to man, the infamous Hell in a Cell. “Big” Ben Little: Two men will enter, but it is unknown and perhaps unlikely that either man will leave on his own two feet. Owen Nelson: This match is extremely personal, and its been nearly six months in the making. Its for the ECFW Championship, and… “Big” Ben Little: …Its next… ECFW CHAMPIONSHIP HELL IN THE CELL MATCH Sam Jenkans: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is our main event…and it is for the ECFW World Heavyweight Championship! The crowd cheers as the Hell in a Cell structure begins to lower from the ceiling; camera bulbs flashing all over the sold-out arena. “Big” Ben Little: Just looking at that thing scares me to death… Sam Jenkans: This match will be a special Hell in the Cell Match, where there will be no time limit, and the first man to score either a pinfall or submission, inside the ring only, will be declared the winner and the ECFW World Heavyweight Champion! The massive 9 tons of steel that is the Hell in the Cell has lowered and it is surrounding the ring now. Owen Nelson: You’re looking at the most sadistic structure in this sport, ladies and gentlemen…the infamous Hell in a Cell, a match that has been proven to end careers and shorten lives. Sam Jenkans: Now, let me introduce the participants in this match. First, the challenger. Weighing 247 pounds, from West Palm Beach, Florida, he is the self-proclaimed “Corporate Champion.”…CEVEN GORDON! (Crowd reaction is mixed) “Remember The Name” by Fort Minor hits as the sold-out audience stands to their feet, letting out a mixed reaction of cheers and boos as Ceven Gordon appears on the stage in full wrestling gear, his wrists more taped then usual, and his self-created Corporate Title Belt around his waist. “Big” Ben Little: There he is: Ceven Gordon, “The Corporate Champion,” in his first-ever one-on-one ECFW Championship Match against his arch rival, the legendary Hall-of-Famer and current Champion, J.R. Rose. Ceven Gordon walks down the ramp way. Owen Nelson: And as you’ll notice, some of the people here in Miami, Florida are cheering for “The Corporate Champion,” and that is because Gordon is the hometown boy here tonight at Aggression. “The Corporate Champion” makes it to ringside, and he stops and looks up at the giant steel structure caging the ring before him: the Hell in a Cell. “Big” Ben Little: That has got to be so intimidating to look at… Ceven Gordon gulps and takes a deep breath as he finally steps through the Hell in a Cell door, and he slides into the ring. In the ring, referee Red Hairing is waiting there, and Ceven Gordon holds up his Corporate Title Belt as the majority of the fans in attendance boo; though some cheers are audible. Owen Nelson: This is Ceven Gordon’s, and J.R. Rose’s as well, first time inside the Hell in the Cell…who will survive the aggression tonight in the challenger’s hometown of Miami, Florida? Ceven Gordon hands his self-made Championship Belt to a stagehand at ringside, as he then pops his neck and looks around the steel surrounding him with awe. Sam Jenkans: And now for his opponent. He weighs in tonight at a 220 pounds, he hails from Hollywood, California and he is the reigning ECFW World Heavyweight Champion…J.R. ROSE! (Crowd cheers) J.R. Rose appears on the stage, his ECFW Title Belt around his waist, as the fans in the arena cheer and yell. “Big” Ben Little: This man achieved his dreams last month at Destruction…and Ceven Gordon is about to make all of those dreams short-lived. J.R. Rose walks down the ramp way as Ceven Gordon looks on from inside the ring, inside the Hell in a Cell. Owen Nelson: This is the biggest match of both these men’s lives, Ben. Only one man can leave the American Airlines Arena with the richest prize in the game: the ECFW World Heavyweight Championship. J.R. Rose makes it to ringside, and he looks the Hell in a Cell up and down. “Big” Ben Little: I got goose bumps, Owen… J.R. Rose steps through the Cell door and inside the structure, and he walks up the ring steps and enters the ring. In the ring, in the Hell in a Cell, J.R. Rose looks around all over at the steel around him. Owen Nelson: Will either one of these men be sleeping in a hospital bed tonight??? J.R. Rose unstraps his Gold from his waist and he raises it up high as the sold-out audience cheers. “Big” Ben Little: Kiss that Title goodbye, J.R. J.R. hands his Belt over to referee Red Hairing, who then raises the coveted Gold high in the air for all to see, signifying that this match is for the Title. Owen Nelson: Only one man can call themselves ECFW Champion…both of these great athletes want that right. Red Hairing then hands the Belt over to a stagehand at ringside, who then leaves the Hell in the Cell with Rose’s Gold. With the two competitors and the official referee inside the ring, inside the Hell in a Cell, referee Josh Pinth locks the Cell door from the outside. “Big” Ben Little: The door is locked; there is no escape now…I got chills, but I’m ready to see Hell in the Cell unleash for the first time in a full year. In the ring, J.R. Rose and Ceven Gordon are standing face-to-face, eye-to-eye. Their eyes are locked with hatred and passion, as referee Red Hairing takes a deep breath, preparing for the carnage and violence he is about to officiate, and Red calls for the bell. BELL RINGS!!! J.R. and Ceven stare each other down; neither man saying a word, and neither man blinking. Owen Nelson: This rare Hell in the Cell Match for the ECFW Championship is officially underway now, and this match has been building for almost half a year. Ever since September when the new ECFW was relaunched. Neither one of these men has ever pinned the other, and neither made the other to submit…tonight, we find out who the better man truly is, and who deserves to call themselves Champion. J.R. Rose and Ceven Gordon are eyeing each other, when Ceven suddenly takes the first swing, and Rose retaliates with a closed right fist of his own; the two men are now exchanging blows in the center of the ring, referee Red Hairing standing back and letting it go. “Big” Ben Little: Here they go…you can hear those shots throughout the American Airlines Arena. And just to remind you folks at home, this match is, obviously, No Disqualifications, and No Count-Outs…however, the pin or submission must take place inside the ring. J.R. Rose gains the upper hand over “The Corporate Champion,” and J.R. has Ceven reeling. Owen Nelson: Ouch. With J.R. Rose in the corner, Ceven Gordon runs and tries to clothesline the cornered Hall-of-Famer, but Rose leap frogs over the challenger, and Ceven goes sternum-first into the turnbuckles! “Big” Ben Little: J.R. moved! Ceven Gordon is staggering backward, and J.R. Rose grabs him and drops him back-first onto his knees with a Back Cracker (ala Carlito)! Crowd: Oh! Owen Nelson: Damn, what a move there by J.R. Rose! Ceven Gordon is squirming on the mat, holding his back in pain, as J.R. Rose drops the point of his elbow
right into the heart of his arch rival. Ceven Gordon stands up, and J.R. Rose punches him in the face repeatedly. Crowd: Oh! Owen Nelson: What power by the challenger, “The Corporate Champion” who took out J.R. Rose’s friend and manager two weeks ago on Tuesday Night Terror, Lint. J.R. Rose is down on the mat, and Ceven Gordon drops a knee into the ribcage of the ECFW Champion; J.R. lets out a yelp of pain. Ceven Gordon brings J.R. Rose up to his feet and he whips him hard into the corner. “Big” Ben Little: Ceven Gordon is using his power to get the better of J.R. Rose. J.R. Rose climbs back up to his feet, holding his gut in pain, and Ceven Gordon runs and takes him down with
a vicious clothesline! Owen Nelson: Another clothesline from Ceven Gordon, and what a hell of a clothesline it was, Ben. Ceven Gordon makes the cover over J.R. Rose, hooking the outer leg…1...2...J.R. Rose kicks out! “Big” Ben Little: Rose kicks out at two. Ceven Gordon brings J.R. Rose up to his feet, and he scoops him up for a body slam, but the defending ECFW Champion slips down behind Ceven, and he drops him to the mat with the Reverse DDT! Owen Nelson: Beautiful counter by the Hall-of-Famer! Both men are down. J.R. Rose gets back up, and a moment later, Ceven Gordon is back up, holding the back of his head in pain. Crowd: Oh! “Big” Ben Little: Oh my God! Gordon’s shoulder could be dislocated or broken after that, Owen! Ceven Gordon falls through the ropes and out to ringside, in-between the Cell and the ring, holding his shoulder in pain. Owen Nelson: Ceven Gordon hit that ring post hard and fast. J.R. Rose then steps outside of the ring as well. “Big” Ben Little: Both men are out at ringside, and now they are even closer to that nine tons of pure steel. At ringside, J.R. Rose brings Ceven Gordon up to his feet. Crowd: Oh! Owen Nelson: “The Corporate Champion” saves himself and he suplexes J.R. Rose back-first onto that very thin padding. Ceven Gordon stands up, holding his shoulder in pain. Crowd: Oh! “Big” Ben Little: And J.R. Rose gets the first taste of steel in this historic Championship Matchup. Owen Nelson: And thanks to that, J.R. Rose is now bleeding profusely. Ceven Gordon smiles as he looks down at the bleeding Champion. “Big” Ben Little: One hit was all it took. Ceven Gordon pulls the bloody Hall-of-Famer up to his feet, and he throws Rose into the Cell wall for the second time! J.R. bounces off and hit’s the ground once again. Owen Nelson: Again! J.R. Rose goes face-first, once again, into that steel Cell. J.R. Rose’s face is covered with blood, as Ceven Gordon kneels down and chokes J.R. with his knee. “Big” Ben Little: No disqualifications. Ceven finally stops, and he pulls J.R. Rose up again. The crowd is letting out mixed reactions. Owen Nelson: This is hard to watch…Ceven Gordon is raking the Champion’s face across that steel Cell wall, and parts of Rose’s face will be left here in Miami. Ceven Gordon finally lets Rose go, and J.R. falls back onto the ground as there are bits and pieces of skin and blood stuck to the Hell in a Cell. “Big” Ben Little: This is Hell in a Cell for you, folks. Ceven Gordon kneels down and he reaches underneath the ring and pulls out a steel chair. Owen Nelson: And now Gordon’s got a chair. Ceven Gordon looks at the chair, then down at the bloody J.R. Rose, and Ceven smirks as his hometown crowd has cheers and boos coming from all directions. “Big” Ben Little: Certainly a mixed reaction here tonight in Miami, Florida…Ceven Gordon’s hometown. J.R. Rose is back up, blood dripping off his face. Owen Nelson: Rose ducked! J.R. Rose then kicks Ceven Gordon in the stomach, and he Irish whips “The Corporate Champion” back-first into the Cell wall! “Big” Ben Little: Owe! Ceven Gordon’s back goes right into that chain-link Cell. Ceven Gordon is arching his back in pain, as J.R. Rose grabs him and rolls him back into the ring. J.R. then bends over and picks up the steel chair that Ceven dropped previously, and Rose brings the chair into the ring with him. Owen Nelson: J.R. Rose takes himself, Ceven Gordon, and that deadly steel chair into the squared circle. In the ring, J.R. Rose has the chair; Ceven Gordon stands up, and J.R. swings the chair for Ceven’s
face, but Ceven ducks and sticks his thumb in Rose’s eye, causing J.R. to drop the chair to the mat. Crowd: Oohh! “Big” Ben Little: Damn, what a chair shot! Rose is out. J.R. Rose is down, out, and bloody. Ceven Gordon drops the chair to the mat, and he drops down and covers J.R. Rose, hooking the outer leg…1...2...J.R. Rose kicks out! Owen Nelson: Rose kicks out! I can’t believe it! Ceven Gordon gives the referee a disheartening look, as Ceven stands up to his feet. “Big” Ben Little: Gordon is taking this fight back out to ringside, and closer to the Hell in the Cell. At ringside, J.R. Rose is struggling to his feet, as Ceven Gordon grabs Rose and slams his bloody face into the steel Cell wall, and J.R. falls back to the ground. Owen Nelson: And once again, J.R.’s face goes into the steel…the challenger is in total control at this point in the match, Ben. Ceven Gordon pulls J.R. Rose back up to his feet, and Ceven scoops J.R. up onto his shoulder; “The Corporate Champion” then runs and rams Rose’s head into the Cell (Human Jablin)! Crowd: Oh! “Big” Ben Little: Human Jablin, and Rose is in bad shape here, folks. Ceven Gordon drops J.R. Rose to the ground, and he is a bloody mess. Owen Nelson: Ceven Gordon may have this thing won here. Ceven Gordon gets down and he mounts J.R. Rose, punching him in the head repeatedly. The crowd is letting out a mixed reaction of cheers and boos. “Big” Ben Little: “The Corporate Champion” is just opening up that wound on Rose’s head even more. Ceven Gordon is hammering his right fist into Rose’s open cut on his forehead, over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again; Ceven’s hands are covered with his opponent’s blood. Owen Nelson: Gordon is vicious here tonight at Aggression. Ceven Gordon finally stops, and he shakes his right hand as he hurt his own fist while punching his arch rival. “Big” Ben Little: Ceven Gordon has J.R. Rose back in the ring, and this could be it right here, Owen… In the ring, Ceven Gordon confidently makes the cover over J.R. Rose…1...2...J.R. Rose gets his shoulder
up off the mat! Crowd cheers Owen Nelson: Yes! Rose is still alive! Ceven Gordon looks up at referee Red Hairing, and Ceven yells. “Big” Ben Little: That was supposed to be three! Ceven Gordon stands up and he yells at Red Hairing to “count faster!” Owen Nelson: Excellent! Ceven Gordon covers J.R. Rose once again, hooking the outer leg…1...2...J.R. Rose kicks out! “Big” Ben Little: C’mon! Ceven slams is fist down on the blood-stained canvas, frustrated. Owen Nelson: J.R. Rose does not want to stay down here tonight in his very first televised Title defense. Ceven Gordon gets up and he yells with frustration. “Big” Ben Little: Finish him, Ceven! Ceven Gordon hoists J.R. Rose up onto his shoulders for the Category Ceven, but J.R. slips down from behind and Rose low blows “The Corporate Champion” from behind! Crowd reaction is mixed; mostly cheers. Owen Nelson: Haha! Yes! Rose counters and hit’s the low blow! Ceven Gordon is crouched over, holding his groin in pain. “Big” Ben Little: Watch out, Ceven… Ceven Gordon stands up and turns around…WHACK! J.R. Rose swings the steel chair like a baseball bat across the face of Ceven Gordon, knocking Gordon out cold and busting him wide open! Crowd: Oohh! Owen Nelson: Good God! Ceven Gordon is down, out, and bloody as the also-bloody J.R. Rose collapses back down to the mat, dropping the chair. “Big” Ben Little: That was one hell of a chair shot, and both men are down, and both men are covered in blood. A few moments later, J.R. Rose manages to roll over onto his stomach and he drops his arm across Gordon’s chest…1...2...Ceven Gordon gets his shoulder up! Owen Nelson: But it was not enough! Ceven Gordon gets the shoulder up and this bloody ECFW Championship war will continue right here live from Miami! A few moments later, J.R. Rose crawls over and uses the ropes to pull himself up to his feet. Crowd: Ooohhh! “Big” Ben Little: Jesus Christ! Crowd: HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! Etc. Owen Nelson: J.R. Rose could be dead! Out at ringside, J.R. Rose’s body is contorted as he lie on the floor at ringside against the steel
Cell wall. The sold-out audience continues, “HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT!” “Big” Ben Little: That was absolutely insane…Ceven Gordon German Suplexed J.R. Rose from inside the ring, over the top rope and all the way out against the chain-link steel Cell wall at ringside. A replay is shown of the incredible move. Owen Nelson: J.R. Rose has got to be finished now, ladies and gentlemen. Ceven Gordon rolls out to ringside where J.R. Rose’s mangled body lies motionless. “Big” Ben Little: Ceven Gordon has retrieved the World Heavyweight Champion, and all Gordon has to do now is pin him. In the ring, Ceven Gordon rolls J.R. Rose to the center of the ring, and Ceven then covers J.R. Rose as the
crowd counts with the referee….1.…2.… The crowd “Ooohhh”’s in how close the near fall was. Owen Nelson: Oh, God! That was close, but somehow, someway, J.R. Rose got the shoulder up before the three. Ceven Gordon can’t believe it as he looks up at the referee, eyes wide, and yells “What?!” “Big” Ben Little: How in the hell did J.R. kick out after that?! Ceven Gordon stands up and he kicks the bottom rope with frustration. “The Corporate Champion” turns back and looks down at the bloody mess that is his opponent, the ECFW Champion, J.R. Rose. Owen Nelson: Ceven Gordon has been in control for the majority of this match, but J.R. Rose continues to find a way to kick out time after time. What a match. Ceven Gordon looks around, and he then walks over and steps through the ropes out to ringside. Crowd gasps “Big” Ben Little: And that’s how you end a match! Ceven Gordon’s got a 2X4 wrapped with barbed wire, and Ceven’s got the Title as good as won now, Owen. Ceven Gordon looks at the 2X4 wrapped with barbed wire, smiling sadistically. Owen Nelson: Just looking at that weapon sends chills down my spine. “The Corporate Champion” brings the 2X4 into the ring with him. “Big” Ben Little: Turn around and get your surprise, J.R…. J.R. Rose staggers around and he turns around…WHAM! Ceven Gordon runs and nails J.R. Rose right in his cut-up face with the 2X4 wrapped with barbed wire! Crowd: Oohh! Owen Nelson: Oh! That 2X4 wrapped with barbed wire just hit the Champion right between the eyes, and its got to be over now. Ceven Gordon laughs as he drops the barbed wire 2X4 to the blood-stained canvas, and Ceven drops down and
makes yet another cover over the motionless J.R. Rose…1...2... Crowd erupts! “Big” Ben Little: Damnit! C’mon, ref! Ceven Gordon yells with frustration as he stands up and yells in the referee’s face, holding up three fingers but the ref holds up only two fingers. Owen Nelson: J.R. Rose kicks out once again! What a Champion J.R. Rose is. The audience is on their feet, a buzz in the air. Ceven Gordon yells again and he pushes referee Red Hairing. “Big” Ben Little: You have to think of something else, Ceven. Ceven Gordon looks around and then up to the top rope and Ceven walks over and begins to climb up to the top rope. Owen Nelson: Ceven Gordon, uncharacteristically, is going up to the top rope, Ben. Ceven Gordon is climbing up and he makes it to the top rope. The crowd is on their feet. “Big” Ben Little: What does “The Corporate Champion” have on his mind here??? Ceven Gordon is positioning himself on the top rope, when suddenly, J.R. Rose jumps to his feet, grabs the 2X4 wrapped with barbed wire, runs over and WHAM! J.R. Rose nails Ceven Gordon (who is on the top rope) with the 2X4 wrapped with barbed wire, and CEVEN FIES BACK OFF THE TOP ROPE INTO THE CELL WALL AT RINGSIDE!!! Crowd: Ooohhh! Owen Nelson: Whoa! Crowd: HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! Etc. “Big” Ben Little: How did Rose have that left in him?! Ceven Gordon is down, out, and even more bloody than before out at ringside against the Hell in a Cell chain-link
wall. Owen Nelson: Ceven Gordon was on the top rope, and J.R. Rose managed to make it to his feet and hit Ceven in the head with that 2X4 wrapped with barbed wire, causing “The Corporate Champion” to fall back off the top rope into the Hell in the Cell surrounding the ring. A replay is shown of both the 2X4 hit, and Ceven’s fall from the top rope. “Big” Ben Little: Ceven Gordon had everything under control, too. A few moments later, the dazed, bloody J.R. Rose rolls out to ringside. Crowd cheers Owen Nelson: And now look! J.R. Rose is getting a Table out from under the ring! At ringside, in-between the Hell in a Cell and the ring, J.R. Rose sets up the table. “Big” Ben Little: What do you need a table for? Isn’t the Hell in a Cell enough? J.R. Rose has the table set up, and he turns around and he drags the crimson-faced Ceven Gordon up to his
feet and J.R. places Gordon onto the table at ringside. The audience is on their feet. Owen Nelson: I shudder to think what the Champion has on his mind now… With Ceven Gordon down on the table outside the ring, in the ring J.R. Rose runs back against the ropes and runs and J.R. ROSE DOES A SWANTON FLIP OVER THE TOP ROPE, BUT CEVEN MOVES OFF OF THE TABLE AND J.R. ROSE CRASHES THROUGH THE TABLE AT RINGSIDE!!! Crowd: Ooohhh! “Big” Ben Little: Good God Almighty! Crowd: HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! Etc. Owen Nelson: J.R. Rose took a big, big risk, and it did not pay off because Ceven Gordon moved and J.R. Rose crashed and burned through the very table he himself set up. J.R. Rose is down and out in the destroyed table carnage, Ceven Gordon down on his back only a few feet away. “Big” Ben Little: These men are absolutely killing one another here tonight at Aggression. A replay is shown of J.R. Rose’s botched move. Owen Nelson: What a brutal match. And its all for the richest prize in the game, the ECFW World Heavyweight Championship. A few moments later, Ceven Gordon uses the Hell in a Cell to pull himself up to his feet. “Big” Ben Little: You’ve got him back in the ring, now just pin him, Ceven… In the ring, Ceven Gordon crawls over and he drops down on top of his lifeless arch nemesis…1...2... The crowd “Ooohhh”’s in how close the near fall was. Owen Nelson: Yes! I can’t believe it, but J.R. Rose was able to kick out once again! Ceven Gordon pulls at his hair in frustration as he slams his fists on the mat repeatedly. “Big” Ben Little: What in the hell will it take to jeep J.R. Rose down? Ceven Gordon, on his knees, looks around, wondering what to do next. Owen Nelson: J.R. Rose did not come to Miami, Florida to lose his ECFW Championship. Ceven Gordon finally drops back down and rolls back out to ringside where he kicks the ring steps, dislodging
them. “Big” Ben Little: Ceven Gordon is bringing the big, heavy base of the steel ring steps into the ring. Ceven Gordon takes a second to regain his composure out at ringside before sliding back into the ring himself. The sold-out audience is on their feet, yelling and screaming. Owen Nelson: I think Ceven Gordon is going to try and do to J.R. Rose what Ceven did to Rose’s manager, Lint, two weeks ago on Terror…and if Ceven does hit this, than there is no chance left for the Champion! Ceven Gordon has J.R. Rose on his shoulder, ready to drop him with the Category Ceven onto the base of the ring steps, when Rose suddenly counters, spinning around and hitting the DEATH OF SEASONS ONTO THE BASE OF THE RING STEPS (on Ceven)!!! Crowd: Ooohhh! “Big” Ben Little: Man, what the hell! Crowd: HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! Etc. Owen Nelson: What an unbelievable counter there by J.R. Rose! Ceven Gordon is down and out, face-down on the ring steps’ base, as J.R. Rose is down on his back next to the base/Ceven. “Big” Ben Little: This is B.S.! A replay is shown of the incredible counter. Owen Nelson: Every time you think J.R. Rose has nothing left, he does something like that; J.R. Rose counters and hit’s the Death of Seasons right onto the steel ring steps’ base on Ceven Gordon. Both men are down. “Big” Ben Little: I really thought Ceven Gordon was about to put Rose away once and for all and win the Title here in his hometown, but that damn J.R. Rose just keeps on coming… A few moments later, J.R. Rose is up, and he rolls Ceven Gordon off of the ring steps’ base onto the
mat, onto his back, and J.R. drops down on top of the motionless “Corporate Champion.”…1...2... The crowd “Ooohhh”’s in how close the near fall was. Owen Nelson: Ohhhhh, man…I thought that was gonna be three. But the match continues. “Big” Ben Little: And what a match it has been thus far, Owen. Owen Nelson: No doubt. A few more moments later, J.R. Rose is back up, nearly falling over before hanging on to the top rope to keep
his balance. “Big” Ben Little: J.R. Rose is taking this back out to ringside, closer to the Hell in the Cell. At ringside, Ceven Gordon is on his hands and knees, and J.R. Rose kicks Gordon hard in the gut, and Ceven
goes down face-first onto the floor. Crowd: Oh! Owen Nelson: Oh, face-first goes “The Corporate Champion.” Ceven Gordon is down on the floor, and J.R. Rose staggers up to his feet again. J.R. Rose pulls Ceven Gordon up, and J.R. then runs Ceven over and throws him face-first into the opposite side of the Hell in a Cell! “Big” Ben Little: J.R. runs Ceven face-first into the steel Hell in the Cell yet again. J.R. Rose is becoming quite aggressive…no pun intended. Ceven Gordon is down again, holding his bloody head in pain. Owen Nelson: Gordon counters! J.R. Rose staggers back, holding his back in pain; Ceven Gordon grabs J.R. Rose and he executes the BELLY-TO-BELLY OVERHEAD SUPLEX INTO THE CELL WALL! Crowd: Oohh! “Big” Ben Little: Oh, man! What a move there by Ceven Gordon! J.R. Rose is down and out, his body folded up, against the Hell in a Cell, as Ceven Gordon falls back to his knees, holding his head in pain. Owen Nelson: What an innovative move there by the challenger. He gave J.R. Rose the Belly-to-Belly Overhead Suplex right into the Hell in a Cell. A replay is shown of the move. “Big” Ben Little: And once again, Ceven Gordon turns the tables on the Champion. Ceven Gordon stands back up, and he bends down and grabs J.R. rose, pulling him up to his feet. Owen Nelson: Back into the ring we go. In the ring, J.R. Rose is struggling to his feet, holding the back of his head in pain. Crowd: Oohh! “Big” Ben Little: Oh! A shot with that 2X4 wrapped with barbed wire right into the mid-section of the ECFW Champion, and now J.R. s bleeding from his side. Damn. J.R. is down on the mat, holding his bloody mid-section in pain. The crowd is letting out mixed reactions. Owen Nelson: This is getting difficult to watch, as Ceven Gordon is just punishing the ECFW Champion now. Ceven Gordon finally releases the barbed wire from J.R.’s scalp. The crowd is on their feet. “Big” Ben Little: End him now, Ceven… J.R. Rose is using the ropes to pull himself up to his feet, and he staggers around before walking right into a kick to the gut from Ceven Gordon, who then lifts the Champion up onto his shoulders and drops him with a devastating CATEGORY CEVEN! Crowd reaction is mixed; mostly boos. Owen Nelson: Category Ceven! J.R. Rose is down, out, bloody, and seemingly lifeless, as Ceven takes a moment to admire his work. “Big” Ben Little: What an impact Category Ceven right in the center of the ring, and can you say “New Champion?” Ceven Gordon covers J.R. Rose…1...2... Crowd erupts! Owen Nelson: Unbelievable! Rose kicks out once again! Ceven Gordon can’t believe it and he stands up and punches the top turnbuckle with frustration, as he then turns and grabs the referee by his shirt collar, yelling in his face that “It was 3, ref!” Ceven and Foxxy are celebrating with their Gold as the |
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